Chapter 51

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I groan and slowly start opening my eyes

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I groan and slowly start opening my eyes.

I go and roll over and sit up. Looking around everything is kind of dark but light at the same time.

"Uhhh hello?" I say out to basically nothing.

I stand up and keep looking around.

"Where the hell am I?" I say out loud to myself.

"You are in the soul relem." I hear a voice says.

I turn around and see mom.

"MOM!" I scream and running into her arms.

We fall to our knees and I cry into her chest.

"Oh my precious little widow. You did so good. You were so brave." She says holding me tight.

"Why did you have to go?" I cried into her.

"I had to do whatever it took to bring you back. As well as the others." Mom says.

"I have missed you so much. So much has happened and I just...I..I.." I start to stutter out.

"Shhh shhh little one. I know. I have been watching over you. I saw everything. You have been through so much and you don't deserve any of it." Mom says.

"I didn't get to marry her..." I whisper finally out of tears.

"You will." She says.

I look up at her curiously.

"What do you mean? I died. I can't go back" I tell her.

Suddenly an orange portal opens and Loki and Mobius walk through.

"Actually, you do get to go back. The universe needs you in it. You had to die in order for the stone to be taken out and placed back where they belong. Now that those timelines are back in order and fixed, you are able to go back." Loki says.

"Okay but won't Steve come back too? He had our lives tied together." I said.

"We know, but since you did technically die, the spell is now broken and won't reforge." Loki says.

I just nod my head and turn around looking at mom sadly.

"I just saw you again and now I have to leave you." I whispers tearing up again.

"Don't be sad. I am always with you. You know that I am. Go and continue making me proud. I love you so much Raksha" mom says kissing my forehead.

"I love you mom. So much." I say against her chest giving on last hug.

I step out and start to follow Loki and Mobius. I turn around and see mom still watching me.

"Don't be scared. You are a Romanoff. You got this sweetie" she says smiling.

I just smile back and nod my head stepping into the TVA headquarters.

I looked around and it was insane that this is even real.

"So what is the plan now?" I asked.

"Well time works differently here. So when you go back, it'll be five days since you died." Loki says.

"Okay, so when do I go back?" I asked.

"In a few minutes we will be headed back. I contacted Wanda to see where everyone is so they can see you all at once." Loki said.

I just nod my head and follow them around.

5 days

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5 days..5 long days since Raksha left this world and I just don't know what to do with myself. Nathan has been stuck to my side since we explained to him in more simple terms what happened to Raksha.

Today we were going to do a small ceremony for her. I was waiting for everyone to get here so we could begin.

I was going to have it by the pond that she loved to sit by after a nightmare.

After a few hours, everyone was here and we made our way down to the pond.

Riri comes up next to me while we are walking down.

"It's a stupid question but how are you?" She asked.

I look over at her giving her a sad smile.

"I miss her. Waking up in the mornings and seeing her have her entire body flung over me with some drool coming out of her mouth. Hearing her say I love you and any other annoy shit that comes out of her mouth. I just uhg...." I groan out with tears pooling in my eyes.

"You know, when you guys were split up she talked about you a lot. At times it was annoying cause I thought she just needed to move on, but hearing the full story and seeing you both together when I did, I get it. She was completely head over heels for you." Riri says.

I just smiled at her and continued walking.

We all reached the pond and just stood there enjoying the silence. No one wanted to speak but then Riri did.

"Uhg you fucking bitch just had to go and be the hero. I know you always wanted redemption and to clean your ledger like your mom but damn Red. The first day I met you, you were a pain in my ass. Always getting blood all over my shop floor. Making me stitch you up. Bitching about your love life. No offense Shuri. The endless nights or you trying to get drunk so you stole Thor's liquor. You were drunk off your ass and it was hilarious." She pauses tearing up. "Uhg I love you Red and you will always be my ride or die till the end of time. But fuck you." She finishes say and chuckling a little bit.

It became silent again and the wind started to pick up. I closed my eyes took my mothers advice and let the air and wind speak to me. It was nice to relax for once and be calm. My brain started thinking of memories with Raksha. Our first kiss, first date, first I love you, first time and more.

The wind started getting stronger and none of us heard a portal open behind us.

"Damn who died?"

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