Chapter 42

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I could see the pain in Raksha's eyes as she told Bucky and Sam everything that has happened and who is behind it

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I could see the pain in Raksha's eyes as she told Bucky and Sam everything that has happened and who is behind it.

"Steve? Steve as in previous Captain America who fought against HYDRA is now the leader of them?" Sam asked.

"Yes. That is exactly what I am saying." Raksha says.

"Why didn't you give us this information sooner?" Sam asked.

I could see Raksha slowly shutting down.

"Look, at first I didn't believe it until I started doing more digging. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want others getting involved and getting hurt. So I thought I could do it myself. Plus dad and I weren't on speaking terms. Shuri didn't know because we were broken up. And I didn't tell you because you stepped away from doing missions for a bit plus you put the shield up. So I just took matters into my own hands." She says. "I also have some reason to believe he is after dad. So I have been trying to do everything I can to prevent that from happening." She gives more information.

"How are you getting intel?" I asked her.

"Through N.A.T. My A.I. I have another friend that's helping me find the information from what he's been seeing as well." I say.

"Who is this person?" Sam asked.

"He goes by Spider-Man. I promised I'd keep his real identity a secret so that is all you are getting." She says. I can tell she's hiding something but I won't push her.

"What is the next move? Have you gotten anything to shows where the flag smashers are going to strike next?" Sam asked.

"Not sure.  I haven't received anything new." Raksha says.

"Why don't you set a trap?" I asked.

All three of them looked at me. Sam was the first to speak.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well clearly Steve is trying to find Raksha or Bucky. So why don't we send in a fake tip for them to see where either of them will be at next and trap him. He won't see it coming because he seems to be too set on getting them in any way he can." I tell them.

"We need to piss him off a little bit more before we do that." Raksha says.

"How do you plan on doing that?" I asked.

She smirked and I already knew this was a terrible idea.

"The same thing I have been doing. Killing his people. We need to find out who the powerbroker is and the head leader of the flag smasher. Find them, take them or kill them and then it will set a fire under Steve. He will be too rage filled to think of anything other than getting me." She says.

"That is a stupid plan." Bucky says.

"Maybe so but I know it will work. For the last year every time I get a step ahead and take his people out, it pushes him to react faster and try harder. He isn't thinking clearly or being smart about this anymore. He is just simply out for revenge and is blinded by hurting me." Raksha says.

"When Steve puts his mind to something, he doesn't give up or stop till he gets what he wants." Bucky says.

"I know. The other plan is to give him exactly what he wants." Raksha says.

I look at her and already know where this is going. This is stupid "No. Not fucking happening" I say.

She looks at me with sad eyes. "Shuri I am sorry but it needs to happen. I need to put myself in a situation of getting captured so they take me to him." She says.

"And if he kills you?!" I shout.

"He won't. At least not at first. After everything I have done with destroying his work, he will want to make me pay by torturing and all that bullshit. That will give me some time to pull out information from him while he is torturing me. While that is happening, you guys will already be on your way taking out the rest of his guards and workers and get me before he does kill me. You will be able to know when he is close to killing me." She says.

"How?" Bucky asked curiously.

She pulls out the necklace I gave her a while back. "This necklace shows my vitals. Steve most likely will make the experience slow and painful. Therefore, able to track in the vitals."

"I hate saying this, but she is right. We need to find a way to get her captured so she is taken to him directly. I already have an idea of who the powerbroker is. We just need to make a trip and find out for ourselves" Sam says.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask.

"Sharon Carter." Sam says.

"That does not surprise me in any way. She is a fucking cunt and always wanted Steve." Raksha says.

I chuckle out how blunt she is. It is one thing I love about her.

"Alright, well then we need to start planning and get this show on the road. I need to find Riri and Nathan and see if she is okay watching him while we do this. Plus she can probably find a way to track down these two idiots a little faster." Raksha says and gets up leaving the lab.

Sam and Bucky turn to me. "What?" I say.

"You are just going to let her walk into that hell hole?" Bucky asked.

"I cannot stop her from doing anything. What I will do is be ready and when the time comes, I will be killing Steve myself for all the shit he has ordered to be done to her." I say.

They soon left and over the next couple of days made our plans.

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