Chapter 4

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After Raksha left, T'Challa stayed behind for a few minutes

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After Raksha left, T'Challa stayed behind for a few minutes. I looked over and see him looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you ever going to tell her?" He asked me.

"Tell her what?" I asked playing dumb.

"How you feel about her. I can see how you light up every time she walks into a room." He says.

I just let out a sigh and put down the tools I was working with. Should I tell her? She has become so important to me in such a short amount of time. I look up at him and he is just waiting.

"I want to so bad brother. What if I scare her off? No one has ever made me feel like this before. And I don't want this to sound bad, but will Wakanda accept their princess dating someone who is an outsider?" I asked nervously.

"Shuri, whoever you want to be with, Wakanda will support it. Yeah there will be people with some opinions but what should that matter if you are happy? Plus as King I have the final say and I say I approve." T'Challa says shrugging his shoulders making me laugh.

I walk over to one of my many windows and see her walking with Steve and Natasha.

"She came so unexpectedly. You know? I wasn't really looking for something and then this firery beautiful girl shows up and just grabs my heart." I confess.

"Sometimes those are the best love stories made. Our ancestors always believed that our souls were made for one person and when you meet them you just know they are your soulmate. Maybe our ancestors weren't so crazy after all." He says.

"Yeah maybe." I respond. After that my brother left for some meetings and I got back to my work.

All day I kept thinking about Raksha and how close we have gotten.

One memory that sticks with me was a couple nights ago when we were having a movie night.


"Okay, I got the snacks and the drinks. Which did you pick to watch?" I asked.

She looked over at me and pointed to Friends already loaded and ready to go on the TV.

"Ooo yay! What season are we on now?" I ask her.

"Uhh I think 2" she says.

"We still have a ways to go then. Come on climb up and get comfy" I tell her.

She climbs up in and snuggles into the blanket and grabs the gummies I got her. We started watching the episode of when Rachel went to Prom. Raksha shipped Ross and Rachel hard. It was funny watching her get so into the episodes sometimes.

As the episode was almost over, Rachel finally kissed Ross for what he did all those years ago but she never knew. I looked down and Raksha was tearing up.

"You good?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"He's her lobster Shuri! That was so sweet" she says crying at this point.

I just chuckled and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. She looked up at me and smiled before snuggling into my side as we started the next episode.

Flashback over.

"She's my lobster." I say out loud to myself. I just smile and continue working in the lab until she came back from visiting with her parents. I ended up getting lost within the process of a new weapon I was trying to create and hours went by.

I heard my lab door open and I look up and see her smiling at me.

"Hi" she says.

"Hi. How was the visit?" I asked.

"Really good actually but they had to leave" she says walking up and sitting on the lab table that I always have cleaned for her.

"I am sure they will come back and visit you again." I assure her.

"Yeah I know. So what are you working on?" I asked.

"I am trying to update and improve T'Challa's suit. The goal is to make it easier for him to move around in and have more safe guards in it to protect him for hits, bullets, all that stuff." I say to her.

She just nods her head and watches me work. After a little bit I look up and see that she looks like she has something on her mind. I place my stuff down and grab her hand.

"Hey are you okay? You look lost in thought." I say.

"Yeah, just..there's something I want to talk to you about but I'm really scared to." She says looking down at our joined hands. I take one out of hers and lift her chin so she can look me in the eyes.

"Pup, it's just me. You can tell me anything. I will always be here." I assure her. She then takes a deep breath and begins to talk.

"These last couple of months have been amazing with you Shuri and I don't want it to end. I really like you and I mean that in a more than a friend way. You make me so happy. You are so beautiful and funny. Every time I hear your voice or see you, my heart skips a beat. I want to be yours and you to be mine. Before I came in here tonight, I stopped and talked to your brother and your mother. I know how important they are to you so I wanted their blessing before I put myself out there." She says.

And before she can continue, I pull her face gently into mine and place my lips softly on hers. She immediately kisses me back and I push her legs apart just enough for me to stand between them. She slowly moves her hands up and wraps them around my neck holding me close.

As we pull apart I place a few more quick kisses on her lips and smile at her. I place my forehead against hers and keep ahold of her.

"Go on a date with me" I say.

She looks up at me smiling. "Hey I was suppose to ask that." She says.

I chuckle and kiss her forehead. "Too bad. I asked first. So what do you say?" I asked.

"I would love to go on a date with you baby panther" she responds making me chuckle more at her. 

All I could think about was how she was finally mine.

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