Chapter 36

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After Raksha left Sam soon came back in and put Nathan down for a nap

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After Raksha left Sam soon came back in and put Nathan down for a nap. When he walked back into the kitchen he looked out of it.

So I decided to start the conversation. I needed answers. 

"Seriously Sam" I say to him.

"What?" He asks.

"Why didn't you tell me about Raksha or anything going on in her life?" I asked.

"Honestly Bucky? Do you think you deserve to know anything about her after you left that little sweet girl?" He asks me.

"Oh my gosh I didn't leave her" I say frustratingly.

"Then what the hell do you call it? Because to me you walked out her life pretty much the moment you woke back up in Wakanda. What the hell happened to cause you to push her away? She looked up to you for everything. Yeah you both have a messed up past that never stopped you from being there for her and protecting her. Then all of a sudden she isn't worth your time, fatherly affection, or anything so you just walk away. After the blip she basically lost all three parents. Natasha for that stone, Steve for selfish reasons and you for no reason at all." He says.

He take a breath and release it as he continues talking.

"Clint and I had to pick up the pieces. Shuri had no idea what fully went down until a few days ago." He says.

"Why? They seemed pretty happy." I say with a scoff.

"Yeah but it took them a year to get back together. T'Challa got sick and passed away and in his passing, Shuri pushed her away. That is when she started missions. I didn't understand why she pushed so hard to go on them but it makes sense. She was protecting Shuri from outside reinforcements." He says.

"She's getting married." I say chocking back the tight feeling in my throat.

"Look Bucky..I don't know what to tell you. All I know is in her heart she still loves you more than anything. You are that little girls daddy. She is just scared to let you in because she is afraid you will leave her again. I don't know if you know this or not, but the day Steve left, he basically told her he never wanted her and doesn't really see her as a daughter. So getting rejected by father 1 and then abandoned by father 2, she has some legit daddy issues and not feeling good enough." He says.

"She was always enough. More than enough. It was me who wasn't enough. I didn't think I was good for her. I thought maybe since she fit well into the palace life with Shuri and her family she didn't need me anymore. Who wants a dad that trained you into being an assassin?" I ask.

"She does. And whether she admits it or not, she still wants you in her life. It's gonna take time because she has changed a lot. She has more walls built up than you do and that's a lot."

"Will she ever forgive me?" I asked.

"I don't know. Only time will tell." He says giving me a hug.

"Why didn't you tell her about us?" I asked him.

"She is under a lot of stress right now. The last thing she needs to worry about is you and I being together." He says.

"Yeah I guess. Do you really believe HYDRA is back?" I asked.

"It doesn't surprise me. Plus why would Raksha lie about something like that? And how do you explain Nathan?" Sam says.

"I don't know. Now would be a really time to have that shield Sam. Now we are having to go again the government again and some wanna be Captain America." I groan out.

"Yeah I know okay. We will figure it out. Right now, Nathan is taking his nap so that needs to be our focus. I do not know what is going on with Raksha in Wakanda but for her to do this it must be serious." He says to me.

"Do you think she will be okay?" I asked.

"Bucky she is your daughter. Most importantly she is a Romanoff. You know how that blood line runs. She will be just fine. And I can guarantee Shuri will do everything in her power to protect her now that she has Raksha back." Sam reassures me.

"Yeah that is true. Sam, if HYDRA is back we need to be careful. I don't know who has stepping into that role of the leader but if the serum is actually running around and there are more super soldiers, it is hard to tell what we will be up against." I tell him standing up and starting to pace the floor.

With the flag smashers now getting the serum

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With the flag smashers now getting the serum. A plan needs to be made so I can get Raksha pulled into the fight. So I call the only person that can help with that.


"Hello Sharon" I say.

"Hi baby. What can I help you with?"

"Has the serum been distributed?" I asked.

"Yes to my knowledge it has been. A shipment is getting ready to go out next week. Karli and her guys will be traveling in the truck." She says.

"Good. I have a feeling Sam and Bucky will show up. Make sure Karli's team gets intense with them. We need Sam and Bucky to reach out to Raksha for help. Once she gets involved I will call you again so we can make the plan on taking her." I say.

"Okay. I will contact the doctor to make sure the chair is completed and ready to go." She says.

"Good. Once we get Raksha in our possession, I am going to make her life miserable. So I will be the one handling her torture. Make sure the men are aware they are to only kidnap her and not touch her in any other way or I will kill them. It is my turn to have some fun and hurt her."

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