Chapter 18

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Time skip

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Time skip

It has been 2 months now that T'Challa passed away. Things haven't been the same since then. I woke up and looked over to see Shuri missing from bed again.

I let out a sigh and get ready to shower. As I let the water run over me, memories of these last two months flood in.

The day before T'Challa's heart was suppose to spot, I was going to propose to Shuri so he could see his little sister get engaged. That was the plan. However, things didn't work out because his heart failed sooner than he anticipated.

Shuri was panicking trying to create a heart-shaped herb to heal him but it didn't work. After he passed, everyone shut down but Shuri took it the hardest. The funeral for him was beautiful but still heart breaking.

I did everything I could to take care of her. Helped her shower, made sure she was getting sleep, was eating, all of that. But I never seemed to succeed in that.

I don't blame Shuri for being closed off but she's starting to push me away too. Maybe I just remind her too much of him since all three of us were together a lot.

Once I get out and dry off, I put on some leggings and a hoodie of Shuri's. I wanted to try and get her out of the lab today and spend some time together.

When I enter, I see her looking at her tablet and writing equations out.

"Good Morning babes" I say softly.

"Morning" she mumbles out.

I just there for a little bit and watch her work. She could make anything look good I thought to myself. She turns and looks at me.

"Do you need something?" She asks kinda short.

"I uh..I was gonna see if you'd wanna leave the lab today and go do something together?" I asked shyly and nervously.

She lets out a sigh and drops her head. "Not today." She says.

"Shuri. Please" I ask.

"No Raksha" she snaps.

"..but Sh.."I try saying and she throws her tablet down on the table and snaps her head over to me.

"I SAID NO RAKSHA. Fucking shit. Just leave me alone. I don't need this right now. I'm tired of you always hovering over me. Just fucking stop. This clingy shit is getting on my nerves. I don't need you okay!" She yells.

The breath in my lungs disappear and my heart shatters. The one person in this world I would have guessed to be the last to hurt me just did.

"Sorry..." I whisper out and turn around walking out of the room.

Once I get away from the lab I put my hand over my mouth and let out a small sob. I let myself have a few moments before I leave to go find the Queen. As I walk into the throne room I see of the Dora Milaje there.

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