Chapter 48

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After spending months and months trying to move forward, we finally make progress

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After spending months and months trying to move forward, we finally make progress. I got a tip on her location and sent my men out to get her. After 2 hours i get contact from an agent that she was caught and cuffed.

Finally we got Raksha in our possession. Our plan can begin. After all this time.

"Where would you like her boss?" One of the agents asked.

"Put her in a cell for now. I will tell you when I am ready for her." I tell them.

Right now I am waiting for Sharon to finish her task in New York by eliminating Karli for going behind our backs for her own cause. Plus I needed her to gain the trust of Sam and Bucky.

It has been a while since I heard from her though. But I try not worrying about it. She left this morning so I am not sure how long it will take for this to happen.

A few hours pass and I see on the camera that Raksha is awake.

I buzz for an agent to come in.

"Yes boss" they say.

"Get Raksha ready for me to come and talk to her." I demand.

They nod their head and walk out doing as I ask.

After a few minutes, I get up and head down to where Raksha is.

As I inter into the room, she is hand cuffed to a chair and has a blank stare on her face.

"Hello daughter" I say with a smirk.

"Steve." She replies flatly.

"Is that anyway to talk to your father?" I ask.

"As for as I am concerned, you are not my father. Never really have been. I believe you told me you didn't want me since I wasn't made out of love for you." She says plainly.

"Uhg you are so dramatic like your father. Speaking of Bucky, how is he? I miss him." I tell her.

"Why do you miss him? You rejected him." She says.

I get up and slap her across the face and grab her chin making her look at me again.

"Maybe so but he will be mine again. When he sees me I know he will run back into my arms." I tell her.

She chuckles darkly.

"What's so funny?" I ask her sitting down across from her again.

"Just the fact you think you have a chance with him. He has moved on with someone better than you." She says.

That makes my blood boil.

"HE IS MINE!" I yell.

She lets out a laugh and that pisses me off and I get up again and start beating her.

Once I am finished she is unconscious.

"Guards! Get this piece of shit back to her cell and get the machines ready for her. The torture begins when she wakes up." I say.

I walk out and grab a rag wiping my hands off of her blood.

I walk out and grab a rag wiping my hands off of her blood

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Hours and hours of torturing have been hell. Steve is the one torturing me the most but some of the other agents step in for him when he gets bored since I am not reacting or screaming to the torture. I will not give him the satisfaction.

They continue to beat me, cut me, electrocuted me, fire torture, water torture. It's just been rough.

"I have to say seeing you look like this really makes me happy." Steve says.

"Yes I'm sure it does. Tell me what exactly is your plan after this?" I mumble out.

"Because once I get you back under control, the world will be mine. HYDRA will win and the world will be under my control as well." He says.

I don't respond because a new round of torture begins.

They found out they couldn't wipe my mind like before so they would just leave me in the chair for hours and I was exhausted. The drown was probably the worst. Sometimes it was in luke warm water, other would be hot or ice water. One evening was actually both. They would throw my body in and out of each tub holding me down sending my body into complete shock.

My bones hurts, my muscles ached, and I had cuts and bruises all over me.

I kept trying to fight so hard. There were a few times during the drowning I would think about just not fighting anymore because I was so tired and slowly breaking.

After my conversation with Mobius I knew what was coming. I hated it. I really did.

As I am slumped against this chair, I hear the doors open and in walks Steve.

"Alright, well it seems that the machine I have been waiting on it finally working. We may not have been able to get your memories gone and control over you like before, but now this new way should do the trick." He says.

Soon a new electric chair gets rolled in and it has the mind stone attached to it. This is it. I know it is.

The agents stamped me down and the clamps came down and latched onto my head.

Suddenly it is turned on the pain is beyond anything I have ever felt but I bite my lip containing my screams. The stone activates and beams its way into my head and I feel myself slipping and Red Riding hood making an appearance.

I try hard to keep my mind on Shuri, Nathan, dad, and papa. The memories of us together, everything we have been through and more.

But it isn't working, it keeps fading away more and more.

This is it. Before I lose my mind completely I single tear rolls down my cheek.

"I am sorry Shuri, dad, and papa. I love you."

Its completely faded and I don't remember who I am. I open my eyes and see a blonde man standing in front of me.

"Солдат?" The man says.

I look up at him emotionless while trying to catch my breath.

"Я жду приказов."

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