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10 years later

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10 years later

I got to try and find Shuri and she wasn't in her lab. I kept walking and heard a sweet little voice.

"What happened next??"

"The wolf grew bigger than the trees and went after the bad knights to save the princess! People were trying to hurt her, but the wolf loved the panther princess so much so dedicated her life to making sure she was so safe" Shuri say.

"Wow" two little voices say.

I look into the room and see Shuri sitting in the throne room with two little ones on her lap.

"What is going on her?" I asked.

They all snapped their heads to me.

"Mommy!" The two little ones said running over to me.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I asked.

"Momma was telling us a bed time story!" Jamie our little girl squealed excitingly.

"Oh well. Well if you two don't go to bed soon, you won't get to see grandpa, pops, and big brother Nathan tomorrow." I say tickling their sides making them giggle.

Shuri smiled and came over and picked up Jamie while I picked up our son Noah. We walked them back to their rooms and put them to bed.

Shuri and I went out on the terrace and looked over all of Wakanda.

"What is on your mind baby" she says wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"Just how far we have come since I first came into Wakanda." I tell her.

I get flashbacks of the day Raksha came here

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I get flashbacks of the day Raksha came here.

"Oh yes, the giant fire wolf not scary at all. But then you turned into this beautiful woman that made me fall face first for" I tell her kissing her neck.

She tilts it giving me better access.

My hands run down to her little bump.

"How is our little one tonight?" I asked.

"Restless. And dancing on my bladder." She says making me chuckle.

Shortly after we were married, I was able to use some technology so we could have children of our own. We were not sure if it would work so we didn't have high hopes. But then one day she took a test and it came back positive.

We soon found out we were expecting twins. Jamie and Noah.

Nathan has been growing and spending time with his grandpas a lot helping with small missions. He loves helping people so Raksha and I agreed to let him start training since he was excelling in everything else.

And now, we are expecting another princess in another few months.

I often find myself thinking about how much we have over come in our time together.

"Where's your mind at?" Raksha asked pulling me out of my daze.

"The first time we tried getting pregnant and how we didn't think it would work. And how much Nathan has grown up." I tell her.

"He really has grown a lot. He looks more like Pietro everyday. Wanda said every time they visit she more and more of him in Nathan." She says.

I just chuckle knowing it is probably true.

"Thank you Shuri. I don't think I ever thank you enough for what you have done for me and our family." She says turning around in my arms looking up at me.

I lean down placing a sweet kiss on her plump lips.

"No need to thank me. I struck out good by getting you and our little ones. So you never have to thank me." I tell her.

"Mmm maybe so but I am going to. Now, how about since they are asleep and this little one seems to be calm now, you take me into our room and show me some more of that black panther stamina. Your princess is coming out and she is feeling bratty." She whispers against my lips before biting them.

I swiftly picked her up and had my way with her all night.

She was mine. My possession, my queen, my love, my wife, my lobser.

To the world she was a ruthless assassin, but to me, she is my red assassin.

The end!!!!

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