Chapter 32

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It is now the day after Shuri asked me to marry her

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It is now the day after Shuri asked me to marry her. I know I probably shouldn't have accepted it so fast but she is the love of my life and when trauma comes into play, well things are said and done that they didn't mean for it to happen.

I don't blame her for pushing me away. I get it. I am making sure she makes it up to me though. Right now she is the lab working on figuring out a way to grow heart shaped herb.

Today I am talking to my son about giving him a name. I have taken him out to the training grounds over looking the meadow watching the sunset.

"So I brought you out here today because I wanted to talk to you about a few things. But first, I need you to tell me a little bit about your time in HYDRA if you can." I tell him.

He shyly looks up at me and nods. "I was created to be a soldier. Whatever they gave me enhanced my brain development so I can do more than a normal 5 year old. They gave me a new developed form of the super soldier serum. Apparently I am the only one to survive because both of my parents were experimented on in HYDRA as well." He says.

"Did they tell you who your parents were?" I asked.

"No. I asked. But every time I asked they would slap me. Especially recently. The new HYDRA leader was really rough with me and mean." He whispered.

"Well, the first thing I want to do is tell you, I am your mother. I didn't know you existed. Like myself, you were created with two DNA's to have specific characteristics that HYDRA wanted. For example, my mother, and two fathers each had a specific skill set. So they created me to make the perfect version of all of them together. Plus HYDRA added different abilities. I wish I would've found you sooner and rescued you so you weren't all along and getting hurt. And I feel like that is my fault to. The new HYDRA leader is actually one of my fathers looking to control me again so since you are my son, he took his anger out on you and I am so sorry." I say pulling him into my lap and holding him.

"If you are my mommy who is my daddy?" He asked.

"His name was Pietro. I never met him but I am friends with his sister who is your aunt. Maybe I can set up a meeting for you to meet her. She can tell you all about your father." I say.

"Yeah I would like that" he says with a smile.

"Now onto the fun part! How would you feel about me giving you a name?" I asked.

"I always wanted one" he says with a smile.

"Well, I want to name you after two very important people in my life. My mother was my world. She died a hero. She was the greatest hero of all time! Her name was Natasha Romanoff. So I thought about giving you the name Nathan. Do you like that?" I asked.

"Yes! Nathan" he repeated smiling.

"Awesome! Now, I want you to know if just because someone is blood does not make them family. After both my DNA fathers left me or abandoned me, someone I considered an uncle stepped up and loved me as if I was his own. And he still does. His name is Samuel. So for a middle name I would love for it to be Samuel. Which would make your full name Nathan Samuel Romanoff." I tell him.

"Does this mean I can call you mommy?" He asked.

"If you want to you can call me anything you like." I say holding him in my lap still.

He snuggles down into my chest and plays with the ring on my finger.

"Is Shuri your girlfriend?" He asked.

"No she is my fiance. We are going to get married then she will be your step mom." I tell him.

"Is she gonna accept me?" He asked.

"Yes she will. Now let's go inside and get you ready for bed mister!"

"Can we see Shuri first? I wanna tell her my name" he says with puppy eyes.

Oh I will never be able to tell that face no. "Yeah buddy. Let's go say good night." I tell him.

We make our way to the lab and Shuri has some light music playing. Her, Riri, and Nakia are talking.

"Shuri" Nathan says softly.

She turns around and her expression softens when she sees him.

"Hey little man. Rumor has it you were getting a name today." She says tickling his side.

He giggles and nods his head.

"Well my prince, what will we be calling you?" She asked.

"Nathan Samuel Romanoff" he says confidently.

"Handsome name for a handsome boy!" She says.

"I should probably get him to bed. It is getting late for him." I say seeing him getting comfortable against my shoulder.

"Come back when you are done. We have some things to discuss." Shuri say kissing my forehead then giving Nathan a kiss on the head.

I take Nathan up to his room and get him bathed and cleaned up for bed.

"Alright buddy. Sweet dreams if you need me, just ask N.A.T. to contact me okay?" I asked him.

"Okay mommy" he says falling asleep.

I leave a nightlight on for him and close the door behind me. As I walk to the lab I see Nakia mixing something and Riri being her natural panicked self.

Shuri is standing there looking sort of angry.

"Alright. What is happening?" I asked.

"I found a way to successfully make a heart shaped herb." She mumbles. My eyes go wide and I look at Nakia who is making the same mixture she did when we found T'Challa after his fight with Killmonger.

"You are taking it aren't you?" I asked.

She doesn't answer but nods her head.

"Okay. Let's do this then" I say.

"Wait you aren't gonna talk her out of it?" Riri asked?

"If there is anything I have learned in my amount of time being with Shuri is that you cannot talk that girl out of doing anything. Once her mind is made up, that is it." I say.

Shuri chuckles knowing that I am right.

"It is ready" Nakia says.

I look at Shuri who is already looking at me now.

I nod my head at her knowing what needs to be done.

She nods back and moves to lay on the bed.

I hope this goes well...

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