Chapter 38

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I get Namor to yield and we load up in the ship and head back to our people

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I get Namor to yield and we load up in the ship and head back to our people. As I am looking around I cannot see Raksha anywhere.

"Griot, where is she?" I say to my A.I.

"It seems she is in the water" he responds.

I panic and look over to Namor. "My fiance is in this water. If she is dead, you will not want to feel my wrath after everything that has been caused. Find her now" I demand.

Namor gives the order and within 5 ish minutes they bring her body out of the water.

"Let's go. We need to get her back." I say to my people. On the way back I start working and it seems she has a head injury. Probably from hitting the water or from the battle.

We get back to the lab and she is still out. After running a few more tests, it seems like she could be out for a couple of days. I try not to panic. I have already lost so much and I don't want to lose my love again.

Plus Nathan would be so sad. It is still early in the afternoon and I needed a distraction.

"Hey Riri, do you mind staying around the lab for a bit? I need to go get Nathan." I say.

"Yeah of course. Is there anything I need to do for her?" She asked.

"No, I had my people hock her up to everything and she is going to be out for a few days. The head injury is worse than I originally expected so it is best if she just stays under to completely heal." I state.

She nods her head and I go and change into my purple jump suit and make my way to the ship.

"Alright Griot, you know where to go." I state setting him to pilot.

Throughout the journey I worked on some small algorithms for some tech I am building.

It wasn't much longer until I arrived at Sam's. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

"Shuri. Hi, I wasn't expecting you for another day or so. Wait..where's Raksha?" Sam asked.

I let out a sigh, "let's go inside and talk." I say. I follow him into the living room and see Bucky is still here.

"Where's Nathan?" I asked.

"Down for a nap. Kids been playing hard all morning and afternoon." Sam said.

I just nod my head and run a hand through my hair.

"Shuri, what is going on." Sam asked.

"What I am about to tell you, stays between us because it involves Raksha. Vibranium has been discovered outside of Wakanda in the oceans. When Raksha left Wakanda, she was protecting us from outsiders who were trying to get our resources. On top of that, another nation was discovered within the ocean. The plant that got destroyed months ago were from those people. They are ocean bound. Anyways, their leader was angry that T'Challa opened Wakanda up instead of protecting it. Anyways, that soon led to a war between Wakanda and them. He killed my mother leaving me as Queen and becoming black panther. The reason we left Nathan here was because we went to war with those people. It was my job to get Namor away from the others and battle him on my own. Raksha stayed with the others and in the process of doing so, she got a head injury and is in a temporary coma to help with the healing. When I ran some tests, I noticed her body hasn't been completely healing because she doesn't stop and keeps pushing herself to help others. I came here to get Nathan so he isn't away from us anymore. Plus, I felt that you should know her current state." I finish saying.

"We have some time off do you care if I come and see her?" Bucky asked.

I looked at him and got a little upset. "Why?" Why now?" I asked.

"Why now what?" He asked confused.

"Why do you care now? That girl loved you so much and looked past everything you have ever done. Then you just leave her like she meant nothing to you. So I will ask again. Why do you care now?" I asked firmly.

"I don't have an excuse for what I did other than I thought she would be better off without me. I trained her in HYDRA and turned her into what she is. I just figured she wouldn't want to be around me anymore." He says softly.

"Did you ever think to ask her what she wants? For so long she had everything decided for her. You of all people know how that feels. Why not ask her? Why not give her the chance to tell you she wants her dad? I would give anything just to have my parents and T'Challa back. They didn't have much of a say in passing. They didn't purposely leave me behind. But you and Steve literally walked away as if she was nothing but dirt on the bottom of your shoes. She lost all three parents in the span of a week. Not even. You broke her heart, and I don't know if she will ever forgive you." I state leaning back on the couch.

"Shuri please. I need to make things right with her. If she tells me to leave, I will never bother her again because I wouldn't blame her after everything I have done." Bucky says.

I just look at him to see any lies but I don't find any.

"Fine. Sam you planning on telling her about you two?" I ask motioning between the two of them. Their eyes go wide with shock.

"How did you know?" Sam asked.

"I am not stupid Sam. It is easy to see you both care about each other. I don't think Raksha picked it up simply because she was shocked to even see Bucky again." I say.

Before they could respond, I hear little feet running towards us.

"Momma!" Nathan squeals excitingly.

"Hey buddy! Come here I missed you." I say bringing him into my lap.

"Where's mommy?" He asked.

"She is back home taking a nap. I thought I would bring you back so when she wakes up you were already there to give her all your love" I say tickling his sides.

He giggles and wraps his arms around my neck snuggling in close. I look up at Sam and Bucky and let out a sigh.

"You can come with me. But if she asks you to leave please don't fight back. Her body is under a lot of stress and needs healing not added stress. Okay?" I asked them.

They nodded their heads.

"Then let's go" I say. Soon they head a bag in case things worked out and we headed to the jet to get home. I hope things work out for Bucky and Raksha, but I really don't know if she will ever forgive him...

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