Chapter 46

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I get back to Wakanda and Nathan is still with Wanda

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I get back to Wakanda and Nathan is still with Wanda. It was nice knowing he wasn't around all this drama yet.

Over the next couple of days, I stay in the lab and work on tracking down as much information as I can.

I am reading through some information when Aunt Yelena calls.

I answer and put it on speaker.

(Yelena-bold, Raksha-regular)

"Hi aunt Yelena" I say.

"Hiya. So found some information. And I must say very interesting." She says.

"What do you have for me?" I asked.

"Apparently the main base is at a location called the Raft." She says.

"Wait. What?! That is a government prison. How the hell is HYDRA there?" I asked.

"I guess when that Ross guy died, they moved locations leaving it abandoned."

"And no one checks up on old government shit?" I asked.

"I guess no since it is no longer a prison." Yelena says.

"Uhg okay. Thank you aunt Yelena. I really appreciate it." I tell her.

"Anytime little widow" she says.

We hang up and I use N.A.T took look up the raft location. I was able to pull up the camera's and hack into the system.

"What are you doing" I hear a voice behind me scaring me.

I turn around and see Shuri there with her hands on her hips.

"Are you hacking?" She asked.

"Uhhh...yeah" I say softly.

"Why? What did you find?" She asked.

"Remember during the accords fight, when half the team was placed in the raft?" I asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" She asked.

"Aunt Yelena just called and said she found out that is the main HYDRA base." I tell her.

"How? It's of the government. They would know Steve never left." She says.

"I guess after Ross died and wasn't running that prison anymore, they moved the prisons to a land location." I tell her.

"So that is a HYDRA base in the middle of the ocean and no one would think to look there anymore since they have no use for it." She says.

"Yeah exactly. So I was hacking into the cameras and all to see if I could find anything. But haven't had any success." I say.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

"I don't know how many people are working for this new HYDRA. I hate asking, but would the warriors want to help fight?" I asked her.

"I can talk to them about it and see if they are interested." She says.

I begin to pace back and forth and have another idea but I don't know how she will take it.

"Raksha. I know there is something on your mind. So out with it." She says.

"Please don't be mad." I say softly.

"Baby. Talk to me." She says.

"What if we ask Namor to help?" I asked.

She freezes when I say his name.

"Do you think it could help?" She asked me.

"If we want to make this entire process in silence then yes. The world doesn't know about him or his people so it would be untraceable if the government got involved. Shit if we have them help, then our warriors wouldn't need to be there unless you want them to be." I tell her.

If you want to get him involved fine. But i am going with you to talk to him. No arguments about it." She says firmly.

"So possessive" I say with a smirk.

"Only for you. Now go get ready. We leave in 5 to talk to him." She says.

I quickly went and got ready and met Shuri back in the throne room.

She grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together as we walked to the jet. She got in the pilot seat and took us to the beach location where Nakia and I first came to when rescuing Shuri and Riri.

We dropped down and Shuri walked to the water.

"Namor if you hear me come quick. We need to talk." She says.

After a few minutes, I looked out into the waves and saw him appear.

"Hello Shuri." He says then looks over at me.

"Raksha." He says.

"Namor." I say nodding my head.

"What did you need to talk about?" He says.

"Namor do you remember our first encounter together?" I asked.

"Yes. It was some man who was trying to get to the vibranium but you got to him first. Why?" He asked.

"His boss or leader is trying to get vibranium. We have found out as of this morning that their main base location is the Raft that is located in the ocean. We are in the process of getting in there and killing those in the base. And I was wondering if you would like to help." I say to him.

"How would we help? We cannot be exposed to the world" he says.

"Trust me I know. From the sources that I have found the government no longer keeps tabs on this prison since they no longer use it. Which is why it has been taken over. The leader of HYDRA to the rest of the world is dead. So that's why we are trying to keep it a silent operation as possible." I tell him.

"So what do you need with us then?" He asked.

"To make sure they don't escapes through pods or other ships in the water. Plus I figured you'd like to make sure your vibranium resources are protected like we are trying to protect ours" I finish saying.

He looks like he's thinking about it. Then begins nodding his head.

"Okay. I will go and check it out tonight and see what I find." He says.

"Thank you. And please do not engage tonight. We have a plan of engagement already." I say.

Shuri the whole time stands next to me very protectively.

"I will be in touch when it is time for the fight." Shuri speaks up before he walks off.

I look over at her and she pulls me close. She places a soft kiss on my forehead before having the jet pull us back up into it. We make our way back home and keep planning for the end of HYDRA again.

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