Chapter 13

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After everything went black, it almost seemed like everything was back to normal

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After everything went black, it almost seemed like everything was back to normal. I opened my eyes and see Shuri in front of me.

"Babes!" I say excitingly and wrap my arms around her.

"Hi baby. You okay?" She asked.

"Yes!" I say.

Before she responds, I hear my com pick up someone talking.

"Raksha we need your help. Get down here to the battle field." T'Challa's voice echos through.

Shuri and I quickly make our way out and meet T'Challa. Glowing orange portals open and when we walk through, I see pops and a giant army from Thanos in front of it.

"Avengers....Assemble" pops yells.

I quickly shift and get to killing these bastards. Left and right I am ripping their heads out.

The ship from above starts firing at us so I quickly jump over Shuri and block the bullets from her with my body. I felt a few hit me but it was okay as long as she was safe.

All the ladies lined up and took control getting shit done like badass bitches. But one thing I noticed was my mom wasn't here. I shock it off thinking she is somewhere else fighting.

In the end, Tony got the stone and had the final snap. Sadly it costed him his life. We all kneeled down in respect of the bravery he gave to save the world once again.

I had to be careful shifting back because I was losing some blood. Shuri looks over at me horrified and takes a couple of beads and places them in the bullet holes. That seemed to have worked and do the job.

I stood up and was looking around for mom and my fathers. But I wanted to see her first.

Clint started to walk up to me. He put his arm around me and walked us off to the side.

"Hey kid. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah but I am looking for mom. Is she not here?" I asked.

"Raksha, when it came time to go back in time and get the stones, your mother and I went to get the soul stone. We were fighting each other to be the sacrifice and I jumped off the cliff. As I was falling, she followed me and attacked a zip rope to me to prevent me from being the sacrifice. Your mother gave her life for that stone so you could come back and be reunited with your family." He says.

I start tearing up and shaking my head. "No. No. No. Uncle Clint, no." I say starting to hit his chest. I let out a heart breaking sob and he wraps his arms around me. I sob into him uncontrollably.

"I didn't get to say goodbye" I cry out.

"I know sweetheart. But she told me to tell you she loved you and wanted you to have these." He says handing me two of her necklaces. One had a blue jewel in it and the other was an arrow that uncle Clint gave her.

"Uncle Clint you gave this one to her. You should have it." I say wiping my tears away.

"No. She wanted you to have them and so do I. That way you always know I am here for you whenever you need me. Don't be afraid to come to me Raksha. I promised your mother on that cliff I would look after you for her." He says.

He helps me put both of them on.

I start tearing up more. "It's not fair" I mumble.

"It never is sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I tried saving her so it could've been me." He says.

After sitting there a little longer, I get up and walk over to Shuri and T'Challa. They both smile at me weakly and pull me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay" they both whisper to me. I just nod my head.

"Raksha" I hear from behind me.

I let go of the hug and see dad and pops standing there. I walk over to them and hug them both.

"You okay?" Dad asks.

"Yeah I am okay." I say to both of them. "I am gonna go back with Shuri to get stitched up and cleaned up." I tell them

"That is fine, the funeral for Tony will be in a couple of days." Pops said.

I just nod my head and give them one last hug before going back to Shuri. We went through the portal and made it back to the palace.

Shuri lead me to the lab and had me take my shirt off to look over the bullet holes. She took her beads out gently and had me lay down to begin scanning me and making sure I was okay.

"Baby" she says gaining my attention. I look into her eyes and she tears up some.

"Thank you for taking those bullets for me. You didn't have to and I really appreciate what you have done for me." She says sweetly.

"Shuri I would die for you if that meant you were protected. I love you so much." I say pulling her into a hug.

"I love you so much too baby." She says.

Once she finishes up, she leads me to our shared room and takes me into our bathroom. She motions for me to sit on the counter so I do. She walks over and starts getting a bath ready.

While she is doing that I start playing with the necklaces Uncle Clint gave me from mom. I missed her so much. Why did she have to go? I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my cheek.

"Come on love, let's get cleaned up" she says.

We get undressed and she climbs in first and then reaches a hand out to help me in. I sit down in between her legs and lean back against her chest.

She wraps her arms around me holding me close.

"You okay?" She whispers in my ear.

"Yes. I have you and that is all I need right now. I just need you to hold me and never let me go." I tell her snuggling as close as possible.

We wash each other and then get out after 20 minutes. I put on an oversized shirt and crawl into bed curling myself into Shuri.

She is running her hands up and down my back and placing soft kisses on my forehead.

I tilt my head up and place my lips on hers. The kiss was deep and desperate making my head foggy.

Our hands start to run over each other. I pull away slightly and look at her.

"Shuri" I whisper.

"Yes baby?" She says.

"I'm ready." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asks looking into my eyes.

"Yes. Please Shuri I need you" I whisper against her lips.

She rolls me over on my back and leans down kissing me.

"Relax, I got you baby."

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