Chapter 3

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Time skip

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Time skip

Over the last couple of months, Shuri and I have become attached at the hip. We do everything together. Poor T'Challa has been the target of endless amount of pranks.

Queen Ramonda has taken me under her wing as well.
While I am not training with the Dora Milaje, Queen Ramonda has been helping me learn how to control my fire element better since it is led by emotions.

Today pops and Natasha are coming to see me since Civil War happened. I never met my mom before so I am nervous. To help with my nervous I decided to make my way down to the lab to see my favorite person ever.

As I walked in Shuri was geeking out hard. It was so interesting to watch her work.

"Good morning baby panther" I say smiling softly

She looks up at me and smiles back. "Good morning pup. Sleep okay?" She asked.

"Always. These mattresses are like clouds. Did you get any sleep last night? Or did you end up sneaking back down here to geek out?" I asked knowing the answer already.  

She looks up at me shyly and I let out a sigh walking up to her wrapping my arms around her for a hug. She wraps me up tightly in her arms too.

"Shuri I worry about you. I don't want you running yourself into the ground. Promise me you will start sleeping." I say softly.

"I know I am sorry. Just once an idea hits, it's hard to stop until it is over. But I promise I will try and start sleeping more." She says back against my hair.

I went to pull back from the hug but she pulled me in closer. This has been happening a lot more lately. We never want to let go when we get wrapped up in each other.

"Thank you. That is all I ask" I tell her with a sweet smile. She just chuckles shaking her head and places a kiss on the crown of my head.

We finally pulled apart and I jump up on her lab table as she was working and explaining stuff to me but I couldn't understand any of it and she knew that but I loved listening to her talk.

She eventually gave me her phone to chose some music and I started having a dance party in the middle of her lab. She was leaning against her desk recording me looking like an idiot but we were both laughing so hard.

Shuri put her phone down and came over to me and grabbed my hand and started twirling and spinning me around. We got so lost in our dance party that we didn't even hear T'Challa, pops, and Natasha walk in.

We noticed the music turn down and T'Challa threw stuff at Shuri. We looked up and blushed over being caught. The look on T'Challa's face let me know he knew about how I felt about his sister.

Pops had his arms crossed over his chest and Natasha I assume was smirking at us.

"Girls, Steve and Natasha are here to spend some time with Raksha." He says.

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