Chapter 20

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After spending a couple days with Uncle Clint, I packed up and started my journey

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After spending a couple days with Uncle Clint, I packed up and started my journey.

The first month I just worked on basic tracking to find what organizations out there were trying to find the vibranium. It took a while but in the end everything started coming together.

One by one I was slowly eliminating people. Part of me should have felt bad but it didn't since I was doing this for my home..well at least for T'Challa. My next stop was a place in Germany. The "base" I was going through was suppose to be a dead one.

Unfortunately that came to an end quick when I got captured. I woke up and my head was really foggy.

I looked around and I was strapped to a table. I tried getting out with my strength but it wasn't working.

All of a sudden the doors open and a scientist walks in.

"Ahh good you're awake." He says.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"New HYDRA." He says.

"bullshit. HYDRA was taken down years ago." I say panicking now.

"That may be true, but I said this is New HYDRA." He said.

"How is that even possible"

"Enough questions. I have to get to work." Then everything goes black.

For two months that was my life. I would take beats or punishments every time the agent would come after me for no reason. It ranged from beatings, cutting my body, drowning, etc. The drowning was probably the worst. Sometimes it was in luke warm water, other would be hot or ice water. One evening was actually both. They would throw my body in and out of each tub holding me down sending my body into complete shock.

I almost just gave up several times. Just to get over the pain. To not feeling anything anymore. I may sound like a cry baby but I have lost so much. My mom, both my fathers, T'Challa, and now Shuri. So what is the point? Will anyone actually miss me if I am gone?

On day while they were water boarding me, I just closed my eyes ready to go. "I need you to be here for my sister and mother. How ever that looks. I need you to protect them okay." I hear T'Challa's voice ring through my head. I snapped my eyes open.

From that day on, during all the torturing and pain, I would keep my mind on Shuri. Thinking about our times together kept me pushing to survive. The promise I made T'Challa kept me pushing through

I ended up getting more abilities. When they would knock me out, they would experiment on my body so now I can teleport and have magic similar to Wanda's. I'm not sure how that is even possible since the mind stone isn't here anymore.

For the next week I took everything they gave me and watched their routine. I was planning my attack soon. I needed to get out of here because I will not be their puppet again.

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