Chapter 17**

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Small smut warning!⚠️

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Small smut warning!⚠️

I woke up this morning with a notice that T'Challa has requested me for a meeting today. I was extremely nervous and was worried I have done something wrong.

Before I get out of bed, I roll over and see my beautiful girl stretched out.

I get an idea and slowly roll her over.

Smut Begins!⚠️
I go down on my girl and spread her legs a little more. I lean in and slowly start eating her out and slide two fingers in.

I hum against her core because she tastes so sweet and is already wet. Which makes me wonder what she's dreaming about.

I use my other hand to reach up and massage her breasts. I start fingering her a little faster causing her to wiggling around more and moan.

I look up and see she's starting to wake up so I begin eating her out faster. I feel her start to clench around me and I continue my pace and when I'm ready for her to cum, I bite her clit a little bit and look up and she's fully awake now and cumming all over me.

I work her through her high and lick up all her sweet delicious cum.
Smut ends!⚠️

"Good morning babes" I say with a smirk.

"Mmm good morning baby" she say with a content smile on her face.

"I gotta go get ready babes but I wanted to make sure I saw you before my meeting" I tell her

"Okay. I'm gonna stay in bed a little longer" she mumbles snuggling into bed.

I chuckle and go into the bathroom getting a warm dap cloth to clean her up. Once she was cleaned, I gave her some kisses and went to go shower.

I tried not taking too long so I wouldn't be late. I slipped on a dress and braided my hair to be out of my face.

When I walked out from getting ready, Shuri was already passed out asleep.

I chuckle and shake my head as I walk out our room. On my way to the throne room I get more and more nervous.

Before I entered I took a deep breath. The double doors open and I just see T'Challa and Queen Ramonda.

"My King" I say bowing

"Please stand up Raksha. You know I hate that" he says making me laughing.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Well first, I have something for you" he says. His mom hands him a box and he hands to me opening it.

"You got it?" I asked

"Of course I got it. You said you wanted to marry my sister and hand a specific ring in mind to go with her style so here it is" he says.

I look at the ring more and it's perfect for her. Especially days in the lab.

 Especially days in the lab

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"It's perfect" I whisper.

"Yes it is. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to marry my sister." He says and proceeds to walk to his throne.

Before I respond the elders and other council people walk in. I put the ring away not wanting many to know about this.

"Thank you all for joining today. There are some things I would like to discuss and in regards to Raksha. First matter of business, Raksha, have you ever been told of the meaning of your name?" He asked.

"No my King" I say respectfully since we are joined by the elders.

"It means to protect and guard. After several meetings and discussions, I have decided to name you guard and protector of Wakanda." He says.

I'm shocked and standing there wide eyed. What?! Why?!

"I have discovered my life span in coming to an end quickly. We need someone on the outside of our borders protecting Wakanda from the world trying to get vibranium and other strong resources that could be turned in harmful weapons. Usually this is never done but I am doing it. Along with the request that after I am gone, this order goes to the grave with you Raksha. So no matter where you are or what you do, your loyalists lay here in Wakanda." He says firmly.

"Yes my King" I respond with a respectful head nod.

"Going back to my condition, I have maybe 3 days to live before my heart stops. No one knows and I will be making the announcement this afternoon." He says.

The meeting did not last much longer after that. I began pacing the throne room and was pulled out of my head when a hand on my shoulder.

I look at T'Challa and began to tear up. I couldn't help it but hug him tightly. I cried into him. He's become a brother to me over my time here.

After a few minutes I pulled myself together and looked at him.

"Why me T'Challa? I'm an outsider. I didn't grow up here. Why make my the protector along with the black panther whoever that may be." I say.

"For a couple of reasons. The first one based off of science, I know about my sister proving you will never age because of your serums. So selfishly I want to make sure Wakanda is in the hands of someone I know and love. Secondly, whether you are from this culture or not, you have become part of it. Not just because of my sister either. You interact with the locals, you spend time with the kids, you've become a treasured member for all of Wakanda solely based on how you go out of your way to treat people. You can do this Raksha. You have so many people behind rooting for you. Whether you see it that way or not, it is true. There is one more thing though." He says.

I just nod my head for him to continue.

"No one outside of the elders and council people know about the title I have given you. I prefer it to be kept that way in case things ever get ugly." He says.

"What do you mean ugly?" I ask.

"Raksha, you and I both know the government has been onto us to try and get our resources in their control. They do not care about how they get them. There is no one other than you who is able to do what needs to be done. You and I also know you don't care how to get that job done either. Especially when it comes to protecting those you love." He tells me.

"I don't want you disappointed in me if I take measures into my hands at times and having to take a life." I whisper softly.

"Raksha I trust your judgement. I would never be disappointed in you either. Now, I have one more request." He says putting an arm around my shoulders.

"I need you to be here for my sister and mother. How ever that looks. I need you to protect them okay." He says.

"T'Challa you don't even have to ask that." I say to him.

"I know. But it helps hearing you say that response. I'm gonna miss you little wolf" he says.

"I'm gonna miss you too big panther." I say hugging him again and watching him walk off.

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