Chapter 30

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My mother is gone

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My mother is gone...

Raksha still hasn't woken up yet and I don't know when she will.

It's been two days since the battle and we just had the service for my mother.

I walked into my lab and saw Raksha laying there still not awake. I checked her vitals and everything seems fine. I just don't get why she isn't awake yet.

Not much longer, Nakia and Riri come in with Raksha's son. He still doesn't have an actual name yet. That should be something for Raksha to do.

He walks over to me and stands next to me. I look down at him and he is already looking up at me.

"Is she gonna be okay?" He asked softly.

"Yeah buddy. She is gonna be just fine. I promise." I tell him.

He ended up going with on of the maids to lay down for a nap.

As some time went by, I heard a gasp and snapped my head over to see Raksha sitting up her eyes were glowing yellow. I was about to walk over when Riri went over to calm her down.

"Hey hey! Raksha, I need you to calm down. You are safe. Breathe." She said.

After a few breaths she calmed down. She is looking around frantically until Riri slaps her across the face.

"Bitch snap the fuck out of it and calm your ass down or the next slap will be harder." Riri said.

Raksha eyes went wide until she let out another breath. Her vitals were calming down.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You don't remember?" I asked.

"Bits and pieces. It's kinda blurry. All I remember was fighting some of Namors men then I was grabbed, stabbed, and getting chocked out." She says.

She stands up and starts pacing. She then stops.

"Oh no. Please no." She looks over at me with tears in her eyes.

"She's gone isn't she?" She asked.

I felt myself getting angry again knowing my mother was gone.

"Yeah, Raksha, Queen Ramonda passed on." Nakia told her. I just focused on the stuff on my tablet trying to control my anger.

"Shuri, I am so sorry. I..I get it. I do." Raksha said and that pushed me over the edge.

I slammed my tablet down and turned around to her.

"You don't get it Raksha. You don't know what it is like to lose someone you love!" I spat at her.

Some flicked in her eyes that I have never seen before. Pure rage.

"I don't get it? I DON'T FUCKING GET IT? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" She yells at me.

Riri puts a hand on her shoulder trying to stop her from walking towards me.

"Red it isn't worth it." She says.

"No I think it is worth it because clearly princess over here thinks nothing bad happens to other people just her." Raksha says.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I yelled at her.

"That means that I understand this shit more than you realize. Where the fuck did I come from Shuri? Why was I originally brought into Wakanda? Firstly, You should be lucky that your parents had you. I was created not born. I was only wanted to be controlled and to be a killing machine. I was a mixture in a fucking bowl. Went most of my life being a weapon then found out I had some parents. Time skip to Thanos and we get fucking blipped away and I return to find out my mother died for a fucking stone. Then you have the wonderful Bucky Barnes who was a loving father until he came out of the cyro from being fixed and has completely abandoned me. Why? I couldn't fucking tell you. I haven't actually had a conversation with him since before we came to Wakanda. Then there was T'Challa who became a brother to me and by losing him I lost you too. So I fulfilled his promise and made sure to protect you the best I could." She said.

"I don't need or didn't ask for protection." I say.


Suddenly she lets out a scream and yellow power bursts out shattering some of the glass in the lab.

"You almost died?" I asked with a softer voice now.

"Yes I did. The lovely Steve Rogers didn't go back in time to stay. No he went back, got rejected by Peggy, and decided to come back with the mind stone and the space stone to start HYDRA up again.  I was in a base trying to get intel and got captured. They experimented on me, beat me, and much more giving me even more abilities than I already have. They wanted to use me to get Wakanda's resources but I wouldn't give it up so I got beat more. I suffered and finally got out of there and continued my job to make sure no one would get into Wakanda and hurt you and your mother." She says.

"Raksha, I-.." I start to say until she puts her hand up.

"You may think you are the only one suffering in this world with loss and maybe I do not understanding fully of losing someone I loved by death, but I would much rather my fathers be dead than for both of my fathers to be alive with one not talking to me, and the other trying to control me into being a mindless assassin. Lastly, I think I would rather be dead myself then be in a world where you keep pushing me away and act like I don't understand hard things in life and lose." She finishes saying with a single tear running down her cheek.

I don't even get a chance to respond before she turns around and walks out of the lab not sparing me another glance.

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