Chapter 26

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When I woke up, I noticed we were in what I assume is Namor's kingdom

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When I woke up, I noticed we were in what I assume is Namor's kingdom. Riri comes out of it panicking. I try calming her down and it isn't working.

"Isn't there like a black panther we can call to get us." She says.

"That is not how it works anymore." I tell her.

"SO Y'ALL STOP HAVING BLACK PANTHERS WHEN I GET KIDNAPPED?" She yells being scared. "What about Raksha?" She asks.

"I don't have a way to contact her either" I say honestly.

As she continues freaking out, a girl comes up to us with clothes to change into. I was reluctant at first changed. They proceeded to take me to Namor wanted to speak with me.

Once I came up to where he was, he started explaining his peoples history.

"Can I see your kingdom?" I asked.

We ended up putting me in an underwater suit and he took me around explaining more about their home and how it came about. I noticed he was the only no not blue and could be out of water.

"My mutation allows me to be of the surface realm and the realms below. However, the Talokanil herb doesn't gift anyone else this same power. Instead, they can only breath underwater. Though it's been generations since the people first moved underwater, I still strives to remind them of their history. I used Vibranium to construct a beautiful sun temple, with a rising orb that mimics the star's light. By giving them day and night under the waves, I bring symbolic order to my people." He says.

Once we get back from showing me his world, we sit down and talk more.

"I know you wish me to spare the scientist, but now you see what I have to protect" he says.

"I cannot just let her get killed." I say not being okay with this.

"I need to know of Wakanda is an enemy or an ally." He says.

"I see where you are coming from in protecting your recourses from the outside world. But I cannot just let someone die to do that." I say.

"The night I met you, you said you wanted to burn the world. So let's do it together." He says.

I looked over at him shocked that he knows what I said.

"I heard you talking to your mother that night by the water." He says.

I just shake my head still not okay with this. He moves the topic around by pulling out some kind of bracelet.

"This was my mothers, I want you to have it." He says.

Suddenly one of his workers emerges from the water.

"You are being summoned" she says and he leaves.

I go back to where Riri is. As I am talking to her, I look over and see two shadows moving.

The one looks like Nakia but I can't tell who the other is since they have their faced covered. The guards see Nakia and one quickly grabs me.

"Shuri move your arm" she says and I do causing Nakia to shot her.

"No. If she dies this will be a war." I say panicking. "Give me your beads" I says.

"We have to go Shuri. We don't have time." Nakia say pulling me off of her.

The other person with Nakia grabs Riri and we quickly leave. We finally reach surface water and I see one of our ships and it pulls us up into it.

I see my mother standing there and she pulls me into a hug. I just sink into her embrace feeling some kind of security in her.

When we release from the hug, I look over and see the other person taking off their mask. When they turn around I see that it is Raksha.

Riri walks over and wraps her arms around her.

"You came" Riri says to her.

"Yeah well someone has got to save both your asses" Raksha says looking up at me now.

Riri let go and I slowly walked up to Raksha. Once I get in front of her she looks up at me in the eyes. I grab her waist and pull her into me placing the other hand around the back of her neck securing her against my chest.

She wraps her arms around my waist.

"I am so happy to see you." I whisper in her ear. She hums and holds me tighter.

"I am happy to see you too. Thought I lost you again." She mumbles.

"Never." I whisper back kissing the top of her head.

All of a sudden I hear a ding. She looks down at what seems to be a watch with an alert. Then I hear a female voice talking.

"Peter, has sent more intel" it says.

"Thank you N.A.T." Raksha says.

I look over at her with an eyebrow raised.

"My AI." Is all she says.

"Since when do you have one?" I asked.

"Uhh probably 6 ish months now. Peter helped me create her for the work I was doing." She says.

"And what work is that?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about princess" she says smirking and moves over to my mother.

My mother pulls her into a hug. "Thank you for coming and helping." She says.

"You know I would do anything for her" Raksha says. A small smile comes across my face. Maybe..just maybe I can save this and get her back.

"Do you need to go?" Mother asked her.

"Yeah, there is a base that has some kids in it and they are wanting to do what happened to me." Raksha says.

"Very well, take care of it and come back straight away." Mother orders.

"Always my Queen." She says.

"Wait you are leaving again?" I asked nervously.

Raksha comes up to me and places a hand on my cheek. "I will be back hopefully by tonight." She says.

"Promise?" I asked.

"If nothing goes wrong yes, I promise." She says.

"I don't know what is going on or happening, but please be safe." I whisper as I hug her again.

"I will try." She says and leans up placing a kiss on my cheek. "In case something happens, know that I still love you." She whispers in my eyes then backs up looking into my eyes before disappearing in a flash.

"What the hell?" I asked shocked. I looked over at mother who is shaking her head.

"Her story to tell." Is all she says.

What has happened to my girl?...

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