Chapter 8

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Time skip to around infinity war!

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Time skip to around infinity war!

It has been a little over a year now since Shuri and I officially started dating! It has been a fucking crazy yet amazing fun filled year.

To start off with, Shuri and T'Challa's cousin showed up and took over the throne for a little bit. Thankfully, T'Challa was found and we put an end to Killmonger. I lit that bastards ass on fire when he tried touching my girl. I was not letting that shit fly. No one touches my girl.

T'Challa ended the fight in the end taking back the throne.

I started going on missions with pops, mom, and Uncle Sammy. I would go out and meet them in remote locations and help them with whatever they needed. We had to be extremely careful since they were still on the run from the law.

Shuri helped me get more of my memories back to the point of getting my GED. The education I received started to recover as well. I was so thankful for her. I picked up ballet again too. It was hard getting back into it without the trauma weighing on me, but I did it. I even picked up art. I loved drawing and painting. It was a way to let me escape and put my thoughts onto a canvas.

Dad was awake now too. He was staying in a hut on a small piece of land outside of the city. He said he needed some time alone to process and get through everything. We tried meeting up for dinner once or twice a week though.

My nightmares got better. I was able to process and actually talk through my trauma. It caused me to slowly start healing.

A big positive to my healing was I fell completely and utterly in love with Shuri. I will never forget the day we confessed our love to each other.

Flash back

I woke up this morning wrapped in Shuri's arms. I didn't want to get up as usual so I snuggled closer into her chest. After another hour of sleeping I woke up.

"Good morning puppy" she says.

"Good morning baby panther.

"Let's go out today. I have this spot I have been wanting to show you." She says.

"Yeah sure! Sounds fun. Do I need anything?" I asked.

"Just bring a swimsuit! I am gonna get us a picnic packed" she says.

We get up and get ready for our day out. She comes back into the room about 20 minutes later dressed and a basket in her hand.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah let's go." I say smiling following her out the door.

"Do you mind wolfing to get their faster?" She asked.

"No of course not. Just tell me where to go" I tell her.

When we get outside I shift and kneel down for her get on. Thanks to the necklace she made me, I am able to communicate with her in my wolf form.

"Hang on princess" I say

"Uhg you know I hate that" she says shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

We take off and she gives me the directions on where to do. When we get to our destination, we come across a beautiful waterfall. I lay down so it is easier to Shuri to get down. Once she is off, I shift back.

"Wow, this place is beautiful. How did you find this?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, there are days I stay out of the lab to get a fresh mind and calm it down from all the craziness that lives inside of it. I took a hike the day I found out about baba's passing. I was lost in my thoughts and grief and found this place. It was so quiet and peaceful. I was able to let the emotions out I was really feeling. Since then, it has been my secret place. I don't come here much, but I wanted to bring you here and make it a happy place. Maybe our place?" She suggests.

"Awh babe, that is so sweet. Thank you for trusting me with this special place of yours."

"For you? I'd trust you with anything. Come on. Let's go swimming!" She says taking off her shirt and shorts. She is in a gorgeous black 2 piece.

"Wow. Shuri, look. Just wow" I stutter out becoming speechless.

She blushed softly and kissed me and took her hands under my shirt and helping pull it over my head.

"Beautiful" she whispers looking me up and down then kissing my cheek softly.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the water. We both screamed as we jumped in. We were having a blast. After swimming for a while, we came back to our basket and Shuri pulled out a blanket to lay out.

We started eating and talking. When we finished, we put everything away and just there next to each other looking up at the clouds. Suddenly she rolls over on me and boxes me in.

She looks deep into my eyes before leaning down placing her lips against mine. We laid there making out for a while feelings each other up. I could never get tired of feeling her skin beneath my finger tips and I loved how my body reacted to her touch.

A few moments later she pulls back and pushes some hair behind my ear and looks back into my eyes.

I knew I loved her. I couldn't hold it back any more.

"I love you" we both blurted out at the same time. Our eyes widened and we started giggling.

"You first" I say softly.

"Raksha, you have become one of the most important people in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. You have made me so happy over the last 6 months. I hate that it has taken me so long to confess my feelings to you but I was scared you wouldn't feel the same but I couldn't wait any longer without you knowing how much I really love you. You are my everything and my other half Raksha. Making you mine was the best thing I ever did" she says giving me another small kiss.

"I was trained to believe love was for children. But witnessing it and being in love with you has been the greatest thing I ever faced. I was always terrified I was going to fuck this up because I didn't know what I was doing, but where always took your time with me and waited when I needed you to wait. Loving you has been my greatest success Shuri. I would fight through HYDRA and that torture all again if that meant being with you. I am starting to believe everything I went through had its purpose to bring me to you. I never want to let you go Shuri. You are the love of my life and you have been the one I wanted since the day I first stepped foot into Wakanda. My heart is yours Shuri. For now until forever I am yours." I say softly picking my head up to kiss her. Just wanting to taste her soft lips.

"Forever?" She says.

"Forever" I say.

Flashback over.

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