Chapter 41

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I wake up and feel Raksha still in my arms messing with my metal fingers

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I wake up and feel Raksha still in my arms messing with my metal fingers.

One thing I have loved about her, is she always makes sure to interact with my metal arm to show she isn't scared of me. As a father it would break my heart if she was scared of me.

I open my eyes and make contact with her.

"Nice nap?" She asked me.

"Yes. Haven't slept in a while." I tell her.

"Nightmares?" She asked.

I just nod my head.

Soon the lab doors open and Shuri and Sam walk in.

"Ahhhh they are awake now!" Sam says.

"Hi papa" Raksha says. He comes over and gives her a kiss on the head then leans over kissing my cheek. I blush slightly at the attention.

"You guys okay now?" He asked us.

We both nod our heads.

"Yeah we are okay. But umm since you both are here there is something I haven't told either of you. And well Shuri kinda knows but but not all of it." Raksha says.

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked me sitting up and standing across from me now

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"What are you talking about?" Dad asked me sitting up and standing across from me now.

I let out a sigh knowing this information is about to hurt him.

"When I was captured with New HYDRA, the guards were talking on night not knowing I was awake. While they were talking, they were mentioning the new HYDRA leader that works with the Powerbroker. Apparently they run the flagsmashers and are giving them the new supersoldier serum. The goal is for them to get me back in HYDRA to turn me back into Red Riding Hood. They also want to capture Riri so she can build more tech for them to get Wakandan resources." I tell them.

"What else aren't you telling us Raksha?" Dad asked firmly.

"HYDRA has the mind stone and the space stone. They have scientists working on it so they can take the power and use it for their own personal gain. When I was with them, they would knock me out and experiment on me so I wouldn't fight them. Anyways, I ended up getting similar powers to Wanda being exposed to the mind stone, and now I can teleport in and out because of the space stone." I tell them.

"I thought you got those powers through a serum." Papa says.

I shake my head no. "I only told you that because everything was so new and I had been trying to handle this mission alone. I know it wasn't my brightest moment but still. I didn't want anyone else getting hurt plus I really did not care at that point in my life so I was reckless and dumb." I tell them.

"When you brought Nathan in, you side he was there in HYDRA?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, when I got to the base he was the only one alive. The rest were dead and I assume they couldn't handle what was going into their body. But Nathan got lucky because of myself and who his father is." I tell them.

"Who is the father?" Papa asked.

"Wanda's brother Pietro." Shuri responds this time.

"I am guessing Nathan was created like you were?" Dad asked.

I just nodded my head.

"Okay, so the flagsmashers work for HYDRA, there's a new super soldier going around, the Powerbroker and hydra leader are working together. I want to know how they even got the stones. Steve took them back and put them where they were taken. So how did HDYRA get them? who is their leader?" Sam says.

I don't say a word and look down at the ground.

I can feel dads eyes on me.

"You already know all of this information and who the leader is don't you?" Dad asked me drawing back my attention to him.

I look up at him and have tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't know who the powerbroker is or where they are, but I know about the HYDRA leader" I say to them.

"Raksha they need to know. I know it is going to suck but they need to know." Shuri says with sad eyes.

"Sweet girl you can tell us anything. We need to know so we know where to start looking and who we are up against." Dad says.

"It is going to hurt you." I tell him.

"Why would it hurt me?" He asks me.

I don't look at him when I respond. "Dad think about it. How else could HYDRA get the exact stone's Steve was taking back. Why is this new HYDRA specifically targeting me and not you."

After a few seconds of thinking about it, it seems to have clicked in his mind.

"No." He says firmly.

"Yes." I respond knowing he knows who it is.

"There is no fucking way they would do that. Raksha now is not the time to bullshit me." He says.

"Dad, I have zero fucking reason to bullshit about this. Especially after what was said and done that day." I respond back just as firmly.

"Okay, I need someone to tell me what is going on. Who is it?" Papa asks.

Dad and I look at each other and respond at the same time.


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