Chapter 50

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It felt like my world had stopped

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It felt like my world had stopped. I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Bucky picking me up carrying me bridal style to the jet. When we make our way out Namor is there.

He sees the broken looks on our faces and hangs his head.

"I am sorry Queen Shuri." He says before jumping back into the water headed to his kingdom.

We get loaded up and head back to Wakanda and Bucky kept me in his arms the whole time.

I could see he was crying but didn't want to let it show.

I softly wiped the tears away. "She loved you, you know" I say to him softly.

He looks down at me and gives me a sad smile.

"I know, but it doesn't help my guilt. I lost so much time with her because of my own selfish reasonings. I just wish I would've told her so much more how much I loved her." He says tearing up more.

"I know" I whispered to him and laid back into his chest.

Sam came over to us and wrapped any arm around Bucky and placed a hand in mine.

It was silent the rest of the way back. After a few hours we finally landed. Yelena and Peter flew behind us.

I make my way to the lab and see Riri and Nathan playing. She looks up seeing us all walk in. I can tell she is looking for Raksha.

"Where is she?" Riri asked.

I just shock my head.

"No. No no no no" she says.

I just tear up more and pick him Nathan holding him tightly.

After a few minutes of silence, a beeping noise starts going off.

"Griot what is that?" I asked.

"It seems to be N.A.T." He says pulling up Raksha's A.I.

I look over what he pulled up for me and it seems to be a video recording or something. I look at everyone staring at the screen too.

"Play the video" I say.

All of a sudden Raksha's face appears as shes adjusting the camera.

"Hi everyone. Not really sure who will be seeing this or watching it. But I feel like I own an explanation to everything. If you are watching this then that means I didn't make it out alive."

I stare at the screen waiting for her to continue.

"While I was out visiting Wanda, I took a walk around the city to get some fresh air. While I was walking I got a visit from the time variance authority. I know sounds crazy but it is true. When the avengers went back in time to get the stones and bring everyone back that was suppose to happened. However, since Steve did not put them all back like he was suppose to, it caused those timelines to become unstable. Mobius the older gentleman sat me down and explained out how those stones were key points in those timelines and since they didn't go back, everyone on that timeline would die. Loki ended up joining him in telling me what was going to happen when Steve got me. From the previous capture and they gave me powers, my body seemed to have absorbed the stones full power without me knowing. They proceeded to tell me how Steve found some dark magic and tied our lives together, so if he dies or I die, we both died.

Anyways, I was warned and prepared to be turned back into red riding hood, but once I turned there was no coming back from it. I would have caused mass destruction to the entire world. As well as those other timelines becoming destroyed. The only way to save this timeline as well as those others were for me to die. I am so sorry I didn't tell you guys this but in order for this plan to work, you couldn't know because I know you all would try and find a way to stop it. And sadly there was no way to prevent it. You all are probably mad at Wanda because she will be the one to kill me. But she was the only one strong enough to complete the task. Again I am so sorry." She says.

Why did it have to be this way though? She didn't deserve this.

"Shuri, my queen, my lobster, please do not lock yourself in your lab again. Wakanda needs you and Nathan needs you. I am sorry we didn't get to be married. I would have loved nothing more than to be your wife. I also want you to know that I forgive you for all the fights we have had and when it caused us to break up. I forgive you babes. I will forever miss you. I love you with everything in me and it breaks my heart that I don't get to be by your side and that you are hurting because of me. But promise me to move on and be strong. For me.

Nathan, be good to your momma. She is going to need you. I am sorry I didn't get a lot of time with you but just know I love you so much.

Riri, you hot headed bitch, my ride or die. Keep pushing yourself to do great things. I know you will achieve so much in life. You are a very bright girl and I am so lucky to call you my best friend.

Aunt Yelena and Peter if you are both there, I love you both so much too and thank you for all the help during this crazy ride. You have a special place in my heart."

I kept watching as Raksha was explaining everything, and leaving a message to everyone

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I kept watching as Raksha was explaining everything, and leaving a message to everyone.

"Papa, thank you for being there when I needed you most. From the beginning you were always in my corner and was a listening ear when I needed you. I want you to know that I am happy for you and daddy. You both deserve so much love and I hope you can give it to each other. This world is too short and we just never know how much time we have left. I am proud that you have taken over as Captain America. You will be a great fit for the position and I believe in you. Please check in on Shuri and Nathan. Shuri is probably rolling her eyes thinking she doesn't need checked up on but please for me?

And lastly...daddy" she says.

My breath hitches and my eyes snap up at the screen again.

"Daddy, I forgive you. For everything. We may have had our fight and all but I don't blame you for anything. You protected me all those years in HYDRA the best you could. You showed me love, happiness, and was there to clean me up after missions or beatings. I know you don't think you deserve forgiveness after everything you have done, but you do. None of what happened to you is your fault. When I look at you, I see my protector and loving father. I love you so so so much. And i have never said this but Daddy you are my hero. You always have been. Don't be so hard on yourself. Forgive yourself like I have, but happy and marry papa."

The camera cuts out and it ends. This was it. She saved the world and other time lines. I am so proud of her and who she has turned into.

She many she was Red Riding Hood. But to Shuri, she was her lobster, her Red Assassin.

The end...

....or is it?

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