Chapter 29

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I woke up this morning rolling over hoping to feel Raksha next to me but she wasn't there

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I woke up this morning rolling over hoping to feel Raksha next to me but she wasn't there. I look around and see a note on her pillow.

Morning babes,
you looked so peaceful so I let you sleep in. I will probably be in the lab checking up on the little guy.

I smiled softly and felt all warm inside from her calling me babes. I get up and get ready for the day. I make my way down to the lab and hear music playing.

When I walk in, I see Riri sitting up on one of the tables and Raksha has the little boy wrapped around her waist dancing around. His little giggles fill the air making me smile.

Seeing her with him and so at peace warmed my heart which was kind of odd after it being cold for so long. My presence is soon found out when Raksha turns around dancing and sees me.

She smiles at me and walks over giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning babes" she says.

"Good morning baby. You sleep okay?" I asked.

"Best nights rest I have had in a long time." She says blushing softly.

I wrap an arm around her and kiss the top of her head. "Good, and how is this little guy this morning?" I asked tickling his sides.

He giggles and hides into Raksha's neck.

"I'm good" he mumbles. He soon wiggles out of her arms and goes to play with Riri.

"Does he have a name?" I asked her. She looks over at him and sighs.

"No. They only called him 3257. But I am trying to think of a name for him." She says looking sad.

Before I can respond, I get a notification of  his results from all the tests I ran. As I am looking over them, I become shocked and see the DNA of him.

"Uhh, Raksha, you might want to look at this" I say.

She turns around and I expand the information for her to see.

"That's impossible." She whispers looking further into all the results.

"Who is Pietro?" I asked.

"That name sounds so familiar but I have never met him. At least I don't remember meeting him." She says. She keeps thinking about it before she gasps.

"Oh my gosh!! That is Wanda's twin brother!" She says. "He ended up getting killed during the Ultron fight. Wanda said they used to volunteer for HYDRA when they were orphans to get revenge on Stark." She finishes says.

"Okay but that doesn't explain how yours and his DNA is mixed together and you now have a son." I tell her.

Is there something she isn't telling me? Was there something with her and this Pietro guy?

Before I could dig further into it, alarms started going off.

"Princess, it seems Wakanda is under attack" Griot says.

I quickly snap around and grab my now apparent son teleporting him to mine and Shuri's room

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I quickly snap around and grab my now apparent son teleporting him to mine and Shuri's room. I get down to his level.

"Sweetie, I need you to stay here and do not leave under any circumstance okay?" I say.

He just nods his head looking scared.

"You will be okay. I promise." I say kissing his head.

I quickly teleport out and see Namor's people attacking. I conjure my weapons and begin fighting.

It is brutal. These people are fucking insane and crazy strong.

I noticed that had things over their faces to help them breath. I take that to my advantage as I fight.

I run towards a small group of men and begins fighting them. As I kicked on down, I grabbed his face ripping the mask off. He gasps for air.

Theory confirmed. While I continue I feel a sharp pinch in my stomach.

I look down and see a spear in me.

I start to giggle and look up at the fish dude who stabbed me and he looks at me like I am crazy for giggle. I take my hand and rip it out of me and let out a groan.

Throwing the spear to the side, I use some of the moves mom taught me and jumped up wrapping my legs around his neck and flipped his body over knocking the mask off his face making his suffocate.

I pull out some fire balls drying their asses out in the process. Fucking fish people.

As the fighting continued out of nowhere, I am grabbed and stabbed again. I look and see it is Namor holding me by my throat. He pulls me up to where the throne room is.

The sight in front of my shatters me. Queen Ramonda is getting CPR but isn't responding. Riri is coughing up water.

M'Baku and some guards are holding back Shuri.

Shuri is screaming and tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"Momma...momma." She cries out. It breaks my heart seeing this.

Riri sits up looking at Queen Ramonda who still isn't moving. She's gone...another close person to me. Shuri's mother, the Queen. What the hell is happening.

I try fighting against Namor but he squeezes my neck more cutting off my airways. My vision starts to get blurry and I become light headed.

I let out a let groan trying to keep fighting.

When Shuri looks up she sees Namor holding me, she screams even more trying to get to me but they keep holding her back.

"Mourn your loses. You are Queen now. I will be back in one week with my full army." He says then drops me.

I feel the air whipping through my hair as I am falling. I have lost so much blood at this point I am coming in and out of consciousness.

Suddenly I slam against the ground causing the air in my lungs to leave. I start coughing trying to move but I can't.

I keep trying to fight but I am failing and slowly slipping away. Not much longer, everything goes black.

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