The Book of Beliefs

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Hello there, if you are reading this. You might be interested in how the magic, affinities, and other constrictions work in the world of Eumava.

Just to recap, there are 7 Divine Beings who blessed Eumava with their powers.
Here's the summary of each magics' capabilities and consequences.

(Drawn by yours truly)

SALINAS: Light Affinity!
- Can strike down foes with a beam of light!
- Very Effective against darkness.
- Weak against the Earth Affinity and Time Affinity.
Possible Combinations:
- Light + Water = Enhanced Laser!

- Repeated use of Light magic will make its user blind. (Can be cured by the Pillars of Creation)
- Disobeying the Light Divinity will lead to darkness. (Only happens to worshippers)
- Using Light magic to kill Creatures or Astrals will lead to Disintegration from your Light magic.

 (Only happens to worshippers)- Using Light magic to kill Creatures or Astrals will lead to Disintegration from your Light magic

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FERONT: Fire Affinity!
- Can burn enemies.
- Slightly effective against darkness.
- Very weak against Time, Water, and Earth Affinities.
Possible Combinations:
- Fire + Earth = Magma!
- Fire + Wind = Smoke/Warm Winds/Fire Spire!

- Spamming the Fire magic will make the user filled with bloodlust and will kill anyone in sight.
- Disobeying the rules of the ruthless Feront, will make you vulnerable to your Fire magic.
- It is fine to kill Creatures and Astrals with the Fire spell, as long as both sides have agreed to fight each other to death.

ALLURE: Time Affinity!
- Stops Time and can Scry upon the possible future. However, every time you make a decision the future will change.
- Can create loops and portals to the past and future, but changing them will result in much worse consequences.
- Effective against every Affinity.
- Weak against Darkness and Itself.
Possible Combinations:
- Time + Wind = Enhanced Speed!

- Changing the Past or Future, will create Time Warps or Cracks in Reality. Both are very concerning even if it's small. The only way to fix them is to go back and reorganize the setting.
- Loops can trap enemies or yourself to relieve a moment you cannot forget only the Astrals of the outside of your loop can wake you up from it.
- Spamming Time magic will make you lose the Time of your Reality. Making you hallucinate that the days are passing by so fast.

TORGA: Water Affinity!
- Can Heal any type of wounds and sickness, can conjure any liquid!
- Effective against Fire and Earth.
- Weak against Darkness, Wind, and Time Affinities.
Possible Combinations:
- Water + Earth = Mud!
- Water + Wind = Rainstorm/ Ice!

- Spamming Water magic might cause you to change your blood and any liquid in your body into the liquid that you have conjured.
- Ice is far too powerful to perform. It will freeze your foes, but it might end your life as well.

HARO: Wind Affinity!
- Uses the power of the wind! Can also suffocate enemies.

- Effective against Water!
- Weak against Fire, Time, Light, and Earth.
Possible Combinations:
- Wind + Fire = Fire Spire!
- Wind + Water = Rainstorm/ Ice!
- Wind + Time = Enhanced Speed!

- Spamming Wind magic will cause the user to suffocate or lose their wings. (Only happens to worshippers of the wind and winged Astrals)
- If there is no wind picking up. You are unarmed.

GARGAN: Earth Affinity!
- Can conjure any organic beings, soil, minerals, plants, etc.
- Effective against Light, Fire, and Wind Affinities.
- Weak against Time and Water.
Possible Combinations:
- Earth + Fire = Magma!
- Earth + Water = Mud!
- Earth + Time = Accelerated Plant Growth!

There is also a Higher Power than the Divine Beings of Eumava.

Their land is called Harmenia, where more Divine Beings are born and thrive.

In Eumava the Divine Beings get their power from the belief of their worshippers.

In Harmenia, their powers are determined by their names and their age.

Based on Jamis's story, the King was killed by him because of a mind-controlling Being who had his Father hostage.

The King of Music and his successors can be the replacement for their Father, but they must take trials and fight each other for the throne.

But, enough of that. Back to Eumava's law of magic. You need to have the belief to use your affinity. If you do not believe. Your magic will be stripped away from you. These Astrals are called Rendered.

Belief is what fuels the Being's magic in an Astral and as long as Astrals and Creatures believe in the 7 Beings, their magic to protect Eumava will always remain.

They are condemned by many Astrals for wasting the blessing of the divine for reasons they do not believe as a reason to stop their belief.

That's all the lesson I can give you today, until next time!

That's all the lesson I can give you today, until next time!

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