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Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary, Samwell's henchmen & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (FanFiction account)

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Technically, it's still November for me. Better late than never (but like super super super late). Anyway, I re-wrote this chapter two or three times, and I'm still not super happy with it. But it's gotta happen to progress the story, so I think my motivation went out the door because it's trying to kick off from Part One to Part Two. And I would much rather write next chapter than this chapter, lol. I hope ya'll enjoy, nonetheless! Or find bits and pieces to enjoy. :)



Chapter Thirty:



Her words were breathless as she stared at her boots. They walked silently together and were almost at the house. The snow was falling harder, and the dogs were practically covered in it as they leapt through the soft piles.

"It's just a hunch." Shadow did his best to break the news to her gently. "At least, I'm hoping."

"Well, we can ask Scourge - he'd know anyone working for Samwell," Amy spoke as she walked backwards in front of Shadow to still face him. "Because you're still going to talk to him tomorrow, right?"

Right. It was already Sunday. Shadow frowned. "Well, we planned to interrogate Flame today."

"At the funeral? What are you insensitive?" Amy stopped, her ears pinning back. Shadow halted in front of her, but stood his ground.

"Of course not. After it - sometime."

"You don't think maybe we should put it off for one day, Shadow? He knew Aleena, too."

"He's more concerned about Sonia - as we all are. Besides, it could be a similar situation for Flame - as Scourge's situation. I use interrogation lightly. I don't want to personally push Flame around," Shadow responded. "He might be on our side. And someone with his capabilities could help us against Samwell."

"You mean with the control thing?" Amy squinted her eyes from the falling snow as she looked up at Shadow. "Can he control Samwell? I thought it was only some people - no pattern as to who."

"Odds are pretty good that he might be able to control at least one of his henchmen - who knows how many he has. Or maybe Flame could get to Samwell himself." Shadow shook his head as he walked around her. It was getting cold and they needed sleep. "Point is, Flame would be one of the people that I'd rather keep on our side. Even if Sonic wants to beat him to a pulp."

"How long do you think Flame has been with Samwell if it's true?" Amy raced after him. "When he met Sonia? Longer? Shorter? I mean, Sonia - the kids."

Shadow twisted on his heel and grabbed Amy's arms. "Amy. Stop. You're getting frantic, which gets me nervous for you. So far, Sonia and the kids are fine. Sonic's been texting her nonstop - trust me. He uses Aleena as an excuse, but it's only partially an excuse. Sonia's not in good mental health right now. I don't think Samwell would waste his time on her unless Flame did something stupid."

"Like join us."

"Exactly. We need to play this right. The more people we get involved with, the more errors we might have. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but we don't have much of a plan when it comes to actually facing Samwell. Most we have so far is Flame and Scourge. We don't know where Samwell is or what he's doing. Talking to Flame as soon as possible might be better than holding it off. If Samwell is plotting something against us, you can guarantee it's against all of us."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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