The Tick

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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Check out my DeviantArt: BlackPetals23! My latest one is what Sarah Hutchington looks like. Sort of. It's a new vs. old look for her and it's not colored yet. ...I've been hella busy. XD

Chapter Nine: The Tick

When Amy trudged through the door, she felt somewhat lightheaded and overly tired. At one point, she nearly tripped over the rug as she yanked off her shoes.

As soon as the coat and shoes were off, Amy glanced at the clock on the wall.

It's only seven...What...

The ride home was silent.

Shadow the Hedgehog proved to be difficult. One moment, Amy had insulted him so harshly that it made him hallucinate that the people in the restaurant were actually laughing at him and pointing at him with disgust. The next moment, Amy was apologizing and they were back to normal.

Yup. That made Shadow difficult. Not Amy. Shadow.

The pink hedgehog was just too stubborn.

Yawning, Amy stretched and peeked over her shoulder as a thought occurred to her. "Do you have a computer?"

"Downstairs," the dark Mobian, hidden in the shadows by the closed door, mumbled as he took off his boots and ignored her.

"Can I borrow it? My laptop needs charged since I forgot to plug it in last time." Surely, there would be another email from Silver or Blaze—or both. And since Amy had time to spare, she decided to check up on the two lovebirds.

Shadow's harsh gaze stared up at her, as if forgetting her apology outside the restaurant and only remembering the harsh words. "You're living here, I don't see why not." He seemed to force the words out of his mouth in a single snap.

Gulping as she rounded the corner, Amy ignored the other lovebirds that were watching a movie. Sarah was curled up next to Sonic (who was practically asleep) and greeted Amy with a slight nod.

The rose hedgehog made her way down the hall—past the bathroom door on the left, Sonic and Sarah's room on the right, the closet after their door, and then...Shadow's on the left. She stopped briefly, wondering again what it looked like inside.

The door was shut firmly and the door next to it was wide open. She took one step sideways and glanced down the dark stairway. Amy took a step of faith down the stairs, searching for the light, and then another.

Shadow's footsteps approached his bedroom door a little hurriedly—no doubt trying to get away from the couple on the couch. "It's on the right when you go down. The dogs are down there in the room to the left. Butch is out of the room though."

Amy listened to his words, but mainly to his movements as his door opened and shut. His voice was gone and his movements now muffled within his bedroom.

Butch...That must've been the dog this morning.

The dog that was her personal furnace.

By the time Amy got down to the last step, the dog had already met her halfway. It licked her hand, startling her to shriek. Amy flipped the switch the moment her hand skimmed across it and without a doubt; it was the same dog from earlier.

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