The Motive

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah, Sam, Sam's henchmen, and Jasper © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Chapter Sixteen: The Motive

I should tell him...

Amy didn't dare look at Shadow. He drove the truck silently back home, while the only thing on was the radio. She could see him out of her peripheral, and that was enough to intimidate her from speaking.

It's the least I could do after showing up in the lawnmower section empty handed and with a freaked out look on my face. I could tell he wanted to pry.

And yet, the female couldn't put any words together—much less any sounds.

What happened in the store was nothing but fate. She almost wished that she hadn't gone to find a stupid doorknob. Then she wouldn't feel so guilty about misjudging Scourge...and Samwell Turner. The call Scourge had received had spoken all the truth that Amy could possibly need to piece together that the black bat was in charge—and he wasn't sane. In fact, Sam would use the lives of innocent people to keep Scourge under his thumb.

It was obviously Scourge's girlfriend or wife. But I can't believe he has a daughter. I can't believe I overlooked any possibilities that said Scourge was a good guy and that Sam is the real villain.

Ten years can really change a person.

True, Scourge isn't the best person out there, but he's better than Sam.

Sam must have some crazy type of motive. If Scourge doesn't want to get rid of the Sonic Heroes and Sam does, the question is why? Scourge would simply want power—that and he naturally strives to make Sonic's life a living hell. But what's Sam's intention?

The question gnawed at the back of Amy's head along with another one.

Who are the spies? He must have thought this plan out carefully and for a couple of years. He must have gained followers and they must have attached themselves to us one by one. But the question is who?

Well, I know one for sure. Worthington.

Worthington. It was such a familiar name. Amy knew she had heard it somewhere before, but a part of her told her that it might've been a dream.

No, I've heard of the name before. I'm not crazy. I don't think I know a Worthington, but I've heard it being said before. But where?

Looking out through the window, Amy watched the landscape go by. Shadow was silent as ever, but there was some sort of tension between the two. It was like they were on the verge of talking, and yet things remained quiet.

I should tell him...

For the first time on the drive home, Amy looked over at Shadow. Red eyes almost immediately caught green.


His voice made it seem like more than a, 'What are you staring at?' type of question. It was like he was bringing up what happened at the store. And knowing Shadow, he probably was. He was probably trying to get the information out of her as discreetly as possible. He wanted to know why she looked so scared at the store, and why she failed to bring back a doorknob. Sonic would surely be upset about not having one sooner than later. And all the while, Shadow would probably be thinking about why Amy didn't grab a simple doorknob and leave the aisle.

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