In a Blink of an Eye

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow (BlackPetals23)

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (On FF)

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

I hope you readers enjoy this new update and had a Happy Thanksgiving!


Chapter Twenty-Three: In a Blink of an Eye


Amy had never noticed how deep brown eyes could be. So intense and full of expectation – that was how Sarah seemed as she never broke eye contact.

And yet all Amy could do, was stare.


The pink hedgehog opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't. The words weren't there.

Rosy the Rascal.

She easily painted the picture of the crazy female in her head, remembering everything about Rosy. Even the hammer was crystal clear in Amy's memory. Although she hadn't spoken to Rosy much, there was still a connection between them.

A connection that Amy couldn't explain, even if she wanted to, rested between her and Rosy.

But why did Sarah suddenly bring it up? How does she even know about Rosy? Last I remember of Rosy...

Amy mulled it over while biting her lip.

...She was one of the first ones through the portal, I think. She was closer up north where the portal was – so it would make sense. But other than that, I don't recall anything about her when the planet was dying.

She simply...wasn't there. Rosy never seemed to be around to begin with. She was always chasing after –

Green eyes abruptly widened as realization dawned upon her.

"D-Did you see Rosy here?"

"Well, that was the name she signed," Sarah nodded and shrugged as if it was no big deal. As if Rosy the Rascal suddenly popping up wasn't a big deal. Amy had to remind herself that Sarah hadn't heard Scourge's phone call.

And I could be assuming too quickly, but...what if?


"She picked her kid up yesterday after school – pretty late, if you ask me. Last week, she checked the kid out and signed her name as Rosy."

"The school?" Amy's throat suddenly felt dry. The sandwich wasn't welcoming as a sinking feeling came. "A kid?"

Sarah raised an eyebrow at her friend. Amy seemed almost breathless. "Yeah, the secretary said she knew Sonic or something. I was going to ask him, but...she looked like you. It seemed odd that you were the first pink hedgehog I've ever seen and then suddenly another one pops up a little after you arrive."

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"Of course not. But I figured you might know her better than Sonic had."

Amy furrowed her eyebrows at the generalization, "Just because we're pink-furred?"

"The kid looked like Scourge," Sarah said without missing a beat. She didn't care if Amy was a little offended at the platitude – it was a logical guess. "I didn't get a good look at her face – she was a little shy and didn't talk much. She was pink, too. Lighter than you. Had Scourge's eyes though." Sarah glanced up at Amy while picking at her grapes. "I couldn't help but wonder..."

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