The Dream

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah & Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

I had to split this chapter up because it was going to be way too long, so I apologize in advance if it seems like an odd place to end.

This is going to really be a three part chapter. Currently writing Chapter 22 - the third part of reunion with Cream. 

Chapter Twenty: The Dream

The thunder awoke Sarah.

She watched as the lightning illuminated the room for a split second and another boom of thunder came about. Brown eyes relaxed and tiredly looked at the alarm clock that read 5:53 a.m.

I hope the others aren't awake or scared.

Sarah could recall Tails' phobia of lightning, but she herself could fall asleep to it. That was if it didn't shake the house – only then would she get concerned.

Soft lips kissed her shoulder and she became aware of the life form cuddling up to her.

No wonder why I'm warm.

Sonic shared his heat, as Sarah was normally freezing and Sonic was normally warm to the touch. His nose twitched as he put a good amount of weight in the crook of her neck and shoulder. His ear moved with the thunder, skimming against Sarah's cheek, closer to her eye. Twisting, Sarah turned towards him and stared with a soft look.

Green eyes barely looked back. Sonic avoided looking at her, although he showed signs of being apologetic. Sarah sighed and nuzzled into his cheek before turning towards him. Sonic moved on to his back as she rested on his chest, purring.

"It's not your fault."

"It was uncalled for..." he murmured.

Sonic's arms tightened around her. His lips grazed against her forehead as another flash of lightning lit up the room. The thunder was louder now and constantly going about. He stared up at the ceiling. "It's right over us," Sonic whispered and thought about the newcomers. "I wonder if anyone's getting any sleep."

Sarah only hummed in response. He lightly smiled, knowing the sound lulled her to sleep somehow. Sonic never quite understood everything about his fiancée.

"It's a Monday," he teased, to which she growled at. "You've got to get up eventually."

"Forty-five more minutes," Sarah whined, curling up towards his longer frame. Her nose poked out as she continued to burry herself in the blankets between them. Snorting, she evidently wasn't moving any time soon.

Sonic looked at the window curtains. Lightning showed the calm expression on his face as he turned towards the door. "I wonder if Shadow got up to feed the animals."

"You and I both know he sleeps in when it's raining this much. Besides, I think the guy's a little scared of lightning himself."

Despite her tease, Sonic wasn't laughing. "He gets a little timid. Just like at the dentist's office. I suppose being mortal does that. The world shows you all of these new fears you never knew you had."

Sarah popped up out of the blankets with a raised eyebrow. "Did it not rain wherever he went?"

"Remember, he lived on the ARK."

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