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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow (BlackPetals23)

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (On FF)

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Doesn't go into much detail. I kind of wanted to save that for a morning, breakfast scene next chapter. Or something. Again, this was a very chill chapter. Not much excitement or new information to take in. Just something...Not sure the feeling, but it's certainly a calm one for me.

Enjoy, readers!


Chapter Twenty-Four: Silence


The ride was quiet, but Amy didn't expect anything different.

There were hardly any sounds besides the vehicle and the radio softly playing. She could barely hear it from the back of Sonic's truck while Manic and Sunny sat beside her. Glancing over, Amy frowned in pity.

Sunny and Manic ignored the seatbelts as they somehow clung onto each other. Manic leaned against the window as Sunny had been squished in the middle. His arms tightly wrapped around his girlfriend as he closed his eyes.

Amy could tell he wasn't asleep.

His expression was full of pain and agony. He was merely closing his eyes to stop the tears that shed anyway.

It broke the pink hedgehog's heart to watch Manic and Sunny both grow silent and solemn. While she hadn't known either of them for very long, Amy knew both were chatterboxes of sorts. She had been quite surprised, but also relieved, when she had gone into the house with Shadow to see Manic with his mouth shut.

Amy had feared that Sonic and Manic would have gotten into an argument by now.

Speaking of which... Tearfully, Amy stared at the blue hedgehog in the passenger seat.

Sonic had his arm propped up against the window. His hand reached the side of his head as he leaned against it and gazed into the darkness. His eyes were glazed over, but anyone could tell there was fright hidden in those green eyes.

Amy slumped in her seat behind Shadow – who was driving – and bit her lip. She looked out the window as she recalled the events following up to them all getting in the truck.

Sarah had looked so scared when she told us something was wrong with Aleena. I've never seen Shadow move so quickly for Sonic's sake in my life.

Sonic... She stared out into the darkness, only seeing her own reflection. By the time we showed up, he was nothing but a mess – crumpled onto the carpet and trembling. He kept mumbling something though.

But now, he's grown quiet. We all have.

Amy sighed as she looked up at the front seat again.

Sarah was placed between Shadow and Sonic. The lime green hedgehog, despite her best attempts, couldn't comfort Sonic. So, she merely held onto his arm for her own comfort. Shadow remained stoic as he drove. He never moved a muscle as far as Amy could tell.

I hope Tails drives safely. Blaze and Silver didn't have to come's nice that they did. Amy leaned her forehead against the window and closed her eyes. I can't believe this is happening...

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