Amy Rose is Coming

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Sarah © BlackPetals23

That City Girl © BlackPetals23

I have to bold sentences as page breaks because WattPad isn't letting me center anything. Also, to know if you've finished each chapter, I'm putting an [End of Chapter] at the end of each chapter to clarify. :)

Chapter One: Amy Rose Is Coming

"Dang...where is it?"

The blue blur reached around on the floor of the dusty, old tractor shed.

The combine wasn't working and the farm would need it to work for the grain next crop season. Sonic had sworn he had put the wrench above his head, but when he wheeled the cart out from under the combine, the wrench was nowhere to be found.

Sonic glanced around the huge shop and coughed, waving his arm around to get the dust away. The window was thankfully cracked open, but since it was early February, he couldn't prop open the garage door for more air or it would've been too cold.

And that wrench was still gone.

A cliché tune rang out and echoed through the shed. Sonic groaned at the bad timing and fished through the pocket of his jacket before his hands clasped around the smart phone. Taking it out hastily, the cobalt male put it to his ear while still looking around the shop for that one tool.



"This is Sonic," he replied to the female voice with hesitation. It definitely didn't sound like anyone he knew...and yet, sounded quite familiar.

"I know who you are, Sonic." The tone was laced with amusement, but a shiver ran up Sonic's spine. It sort of reminded him of some horror movie.

"Who is this?" Sonic narrowed his eyebrows while glancing around the shop, looking for the wrench but also possibly looking for a creeper ready to strike.

"Oh, come on, Sonic. Don't you have a clue who I am?"


A long sigh and an even longer minute later, Sonic was left with one deaf ear as the female screamed, "SONIKKU!"

Sonic held the phone away from his ear a little too late. He chuckled as relief spread through his body-it wasn't a creeper. At least, it would've been if Amy still had a fan girl crush on him, but that had stopped years and years ago.

"Ames!" He heard her laugh a little. "Why-I mean, I love that you're calling-but why?"

"Well...I lost my job."

"Shucks, that's too bad-"

"A month ago. I've been trying to pay rent until I get another job, but no one was hiring. Now I lost my home, too."

Sonic raised an eyebrow and looked at the ground. "So...?"

He heard her exhale noisily. "I was thinking I could stay with you-or somewhere else since I know you have a girlfriend!" Amy spoke quickly at the last part, a little embarrassed everything was happening.

Sonic sighed and plucked at the cement ground. " did you find out about my girlfriend?" he asked quizzically.

"Sarah?" Amy asked nervously. "Oh, right...well...You see, I called your house and this really grumpy voice answered and then someone-Sarah-took the phone away. Who else lives with you? I thought it was just her..."

That City Girl (ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now