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Sarah © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands belong to their rightful owner.

Okay, so it's been several years. Shadow and the other characters are going to have changed a bit. I mean c'mon, it's kind of common sensed—especially if Sonic could somehow influence Shadow in a good way. Everything will be explained to please be patient people.

Chapter Six: Unpredictability

Amy normally enjoyed Valentine's Day alone. She'd go to the café, pick up a coffee, and read a romance novel in the park.

But it was different this time around.

She awoke to the sounds of Shadow cooking, Sonic teasing him, and Sarah taking a shower. Sitting up on the couch, Amy glanced around.

I wonder what they have planned today. The kids are probably still asleep.

Getting off the sofa, and taking the blanket with her, Amy sauntered to the kitchen. She was greeted with delicious smells and quiet arguing from the two males.

"Good morning, Ames," Sonic stopped his harsh whispering at Shadow the moment he saw the pink female wander in. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day to both of you," Amy yawned as she rubbed her eyes. "What's on the agenda today?"

"Well..." Sonic timidly laughed as he crept towards her. "I was hoping you and Shadow could babysit the kids for me."

"He's proposing to Sarah," Shadow droned from behind the blue blur.

Amy was wide awake then. She bit her lip to keep from squealing, but the smile was still plastered on her face. She did a little dance in the air after hugging Sonic. "This is incredible!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Sonic anxiously looked at the doorway. "Just don't give it away. She might be able to hear."

"She's in the shower," Amy retorted and sat down. She placed her cheeks in the palms of her hands while setting her elbows on the table. "But I guess we can babysit for the babysitter."


"Absolutely not," Shadow grumbled. "I have work to do."

"Oh, come on!" Amy spun to stare at him with pleading eyes and clasped hands. "It's Valentine's Day, Shadow! Take a break, give Sonic a break, and for the love of God—quit burning the toast!" She marched forward and popped the toast up from the toaster.

Shadow glared at her. "You want to cook?"

"Please do," Sonic chortled as he sat down. "Just because Shadow cooks for us sometimes, doesn't mean he's any good."


"What? It's true!"

Amy rolled her eyes and softly took the spatula from Shadow's iron grip. She pushed him lightly to the side before taking over at the stove.

Shadow, a little humiliated from both of them, plopped down at his regular seat at the head of the table. Sonic sat in his normal spot and watched Amy take over. "So, you'll watch them?"

"Of course, Sonic," Amy grinned back at the speed demon. "It's your day. Take your time and don't screw it up."

It was Shadow's turn to snicker now.

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