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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Chapter Eleven: Sparks

The drive home was silent.

While Shadow's throat hurt like hell, he couldn't get the thought out of his head-the thought of Rouge actually getting raped. It didn't make sense.

Amy explained it quickly and quietly. Sarah had joined the conversation to listen. Sonic had used the column for support but the look of shock of evident on his face. Shadow did his best to keep his emotions or thoughts inside, but he couldn't believe it.

His ex-partner? Raped? Rouge? No.

Amy was pulling some sort of prank.

Rouge would've called him, he was sure of it. The bat mothered Shadow. She cared for him. Shadow was positive they were best friends at one point...but was it really the same Rouge?

No...I don't believe it. I don't care if she didn't see it coming.

He did his best to block the images out of his head. He could only image what happened. And it hurt. The fact that it happened in real life made Shadow despise humanity even more. But to know that it had happened to the one person he'd been somewhat close to...To know that it had happened to the person he cared about more than all of the others...

The ache in his heart from Amy's words that morning was nothing compared to the ache now.

"She put up a fight, Shadow."

Of course she did. She was Rouge.

"He was executed."

By what? Medication? Shadow wanted the pleasure of ripping the man's disgusting heart out.

"She had twins. Although, they have her eyes, I must warn you-they have their father's black fur."

Great. There was always something to remind you. Rouge probably looked at them every day and thought of the creep. And yet, she still loved her children.

Of course she did.

Because she was Rouge.

But she didn't call...

He desperately wanted to sleep-to shut his eyes and think. But he had to keep driving. It was only a few more minutes until home, but still not quick enough, and he was already speeding by a few miles per hour.

"She was too embarrassed that it happened to her. Plus, you couldn't have helped her. None of you could've. She didn't know Vanilla well enough and frankly didn't know where Vanilla was. So she called me."

She called Amy. She called one of the people she hated before she ever called her best friend.

All the years of being tormented and teased by those humans flashed through his head because Rouge was there scaring the tormentors off and protecting the ebony male despite his complaints. She'd been there no matter what.

They had created a friendship over the years, even before Mobius' fall.

And when Rouge had reached her lowest point, she went to Amy Rose. A person she was merely acquainted with rather than him-a person she knew practically inside and out.

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