Tensions on the Rise

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah and the Wilson's © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Chapter Nineteen: Tensions on the Rise

Breakfast between the four household members went on as usual—as if the Saturday never happened.

Shadow noticed Amy's lack of movement though.

She poked the eggs with her fork as it seemed she was lost in deep concentration. She had slept through most of the night, but had gotten up early to help Shadow feed the animals.

Watching her with the horses had given the ebony hedgehog an idea, however.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Sonic sparked up a conversation, glancing at anyone that might want to speak—which ended up being Sarah.

"I've got some stuff we can move into the new house," Sarah responded as she chewed. Amy figured she wasn't the best with manners sometimes. "Some pictures we need to hang up for the most part."

"Great. Because I do not want to watch any more movies. We watched enough yesterday."

Before Sarah could make a retort, Sonic continued, "How about you, Ames? Any plans for today? Company won't be here until tonight."

"Uh," Amy played with her food still. "I didn't have any plans. Read a book that Tails let me borrow."

"Is that where you went yesterday?"

Shadow's head shot up. "She left?"

"Took my keys, the little vixen," Sonic teased while Amy shrugged it off. "What'd you go to Tails for anyhow?"

"Just...reasons," Amy gritted her teeth, trying to avoid any more of the conversation. But everyone was interested in it now.

"Like what?" Sarah sipped at her orange juice slowly while looking over at the pink flower, "To get books? The kid orders so many, he might as well have a library."

"He does?"

"Yeah. I'm borrowing some from him now. He hardly has time to read them anyway—I don't see why he gets them."

"But what was the reason of going to Tails via Sonic's truck—without permission to use said vehicle?"

They all stared at the head of the table. Shadow wasn't discouraged, although he had spoken rather oddly. It might have been the fact that he even asked at all.

"I just needed to speak to him about some things. It's a need-to-know basis."

Sonic smirked as he observed the discussion between the two. Shadow upturned his eyebrow faintly. "Need-to-know..."

"Top secret. Very top secret. I'm running an experiment for him."

"Ooo, like the ones with vials of special serum that transforms you into a man-eating beast?" Sarah smiled rather sarcastically, but Amy couldn't quite tell.


"What type of experiment?"

The rose female turned to Sonic. His gaze had turned serious and fatherly. Gulping, Amy gripped the table. "Why don't you ask him yourself? He said it was for you and him."

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