The Real Monster

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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Chapter Ten: The Real Monster

Turns out, Shadow and Amy didn't need Sonic to move them closer together.

While Shadow hardly ever moved in his sleep, he failed to think about the consequences of falling asleep next to Amy Rose. She constantly moved.

So, if anyone knew that Amy moved a lot, it wouldn't be strange to see her sprawled out on the couch. The blanket rested over her and her legs dangled over the side. Her nose buried into Shadow's side and his arm hung over her head.

Yup, the sight wouldn't have been weird.

But three of the house members didn't know that Amy moved a lot (it was surprising she hadn't fallen off the couch yet). And Amy was still asleep and probably didn't think she would move around upon shutting her eyes last night.

The basement didn't have windows, so the light never came in that Tuesday morning. But Sonic had smartly turned on his phone for an alarm to wake Sarah up for her job at school. It was almost seven and she was getting ready upstairs—leaving Sonic to watch the humorous display before him.

Looking at the two on the loveseat, Sonic gently smiled.

They actually look calm and peaceful right now...Like an actual couple. I don't see why not. I mean, they've got their differences but those can be worked with and molded if need be. But they also have more similarities than they see.

He watched them still.

At least I think they do.

A headache. That's what Shadow woke up with.

I knew I should've gone upstairs...Every time I stay down here for the night, my throat hurts and I get a stuffy nose. Ever since the portal that got us to Earth, I've been able to get sick.

It's terrible. How do the normal people do it? Even Sonic catches a cold once in a while.

But when I catch a cold...I can't heal quickly anymore. Damn portal just had to ruin everything.

At least it'd gotten them to Earth. Or none of them would've survived the destruction that followed on Mobius.

Shadow exhaled through his nose, noticing his palm wasn't holding his head up anymore. Instead, he was slouched down even further—something under his left arm while his right felt numb and squished up against the couch and his side.

Red eyes tiredly glanced to the left.

Blinking awake, Shadow gawked at the lifeform that dared to snuggle up against him.

No one snuggled up against Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow the Hedgehog snuggled up against you—if he truly wanted to, which he didn't. So, he never did snuggle. Or cuddle. Or any other term of being close to someone like this.

Amy seemed to be content though.

He lifted his arm off her head and looked up, noticing feet in his peripheral. Sonic stared with a smug look and his arms crossed against his chest. Shadow growled lowly and immediately regretted it. Amy made some sort of whining noise, neither male was sure, and curled up into a ball. She pressed harder against Shadow, lifting her snout onto his bare stomach and tilting her head sideways to continue leaning against his frame.

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