The Leverage

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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

I've been updating this story to FF up to chapter 21 and completely forgot to upload them here! XD Oops! I'll try and be better on that. :/

Chapter Fifteen: The Leverage

That morning was the start of a new day.

No more llamas.

Shadow drank the orange juice greedily as Amy filed in. Sonic left early to help a customer in search of a swather. Sarah had left ten minutes ago. Overall, it was 7:58 a.m. on a Thursday morning.

Still no llamas.

No weird dreams to be exact.

Shadow slept like a baby, although the expression never made sense to him because the infants he had watched (Petunia and Jeffery) never slept soundly. Petunia woke up continuously and moved around a lot. Jeffery was the same, only had less nightmares.

I better they never dreamed about llamas before.

He was rather happy to see his cows and horses in place that morning. The cows seemed interested in the sudden pat they got on their forehead. The horses had a good rubbing and their coats were shinier.

I didn't sleep in either. I woke up at 4:30 and have already accomplished so much.

Shadow the Hedgehog felt good. It was a new day, and it was going to be better than yesterday.

Even the dog got a good scratching behind the ears. Butch had rested beside his master's chair up until Amy walked in.

"Good morning."

The rose hedgehog had to stop and stare at Shadow. "Good morning," she responded rather slowly. Making her way to the cupboard, she grabbed a glass and then filled it with water. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better." Shadow was rather talkative all of a sudden. It made Amy ponder. Perhaps the ebony male was still sick. "Although the new barn still hasn't built itself, I am the proud owner of no llamas and am still childless."

Green eyes half squinted at him.

Although Shadow definitely had a happier aura around him, his words were enough to make Amy think he was completely off his rockers.

"That must've been some nightmare, then." Amy sat beside him, as he was perched in his usual seat at the head of the table. "Too bad the new barn isn't built, though."

"The llamas didn't spit at me fortunately."

"And the child thing?"

Shadow paused as his glass of orange juice rested on his lips. It suddenly didn't look so bright and inviting anymore. It tasted mediocre, too. Setting the glass down, Shadow avoided Amy's look. "Yes."

"You had a nightmare...that you were a...father?" Amy guessed leisurely. Her fingers grasped the cold glass of water loosely.

Red eyes looked at anything but her still. "Yes."

"And how was that?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Never actually saw the children—but yo—" He cut himself off to save his words. "But someone implied I had kids with them. That and I believe she was wearing a maternity shirt."

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