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Sarah © BlackPetals23

Fun fact: I live on a farm.

Chapter Two: Pancakes?

Shadow opened the door with major difficulties.

Fate would have it that Amy fell asleep in the truck. Shadow had figured she would have more than just one suitcase, so he brought the pickup truck instead of running (although he could've just used Chaos Control but for some reason unknown to anyone but him, he didn't). Unfortunately, he wasn't too happy to see that she really did only have one suitcase. He could've been home via his super speed in a few seconds.

But nope.

He had to be a stereotypical male and think stereotypical thoughts about females carrying more than one suitcase and he had to bring the pickup truck. Not even Chaos Control.

The drive was pleasant, though.

He had assumed that she would want to chit chat after so many years, but thankfully, she fell right to sleep...unfortunately, she had used his jacket as a pillow. Then again, he did allow her to pluck it off the seat and fold it into a pillow against the window.

So, after countless times of slamming the door to try and wake her, Shadow gave in and picked her up before carrying her into the house. When the female was asleep on the couch, Shadow stepped back and put his hands on his hips—pretty proud of himself.

He had only hit her head on something hard once.

The soft didn't matter, right?

So, after getting her one suitcase (and purse), he walked back into the house in hopes of getting some much needed shuteye. Setting the suitcase next to the couch, he heard her groan and move around on the couch.

"Of course..." Shadow griped. "She wakes up after I went through all that trouble."

Amy rubbed her head and glanced around, lifting herself up rather quickly. "Where am I?"

"Apparently, your new home..."

Rubbing her eyes, the rose hedgehog arched her back as she stretched. Shadow gulped as he leaned against the wall, staring at the way her body moved.

How long has it been? Last time I saw her...she was so...young. Now she's...attractive—No.

Shadow shook his head mentally as Amy pulled back from the stretch and moved forward. He had seen very few attractive female Mobians in his time on Earth or his short time on Mobius before the planet was destroyed by Eggman.

Every time he saw an attractive female, he definitely didn't feel like himself.

And Amy was very attractive.

God, why didn't I see it before? Why now? Why now when she's practically showing me her chest every time she—

Amy stretched back again and moaned, her front upper chest going outwards to the point that her shirt perfectly showed off her breasts. Shadow coughed and rolled his eyes to look away. He ignored the tugging feeling of being in a same room as someone that was eye-catching (a.k.a. Mister Horny). He figured any male would hurry to ask Amy out since she had grown from an annoying adolescent to a beautiful woman.

She stared over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow, staring at him tiredly. "Is there a problem, Shadow?"

He was certainly staring at her as if she were the weird looking one. It made Amy want to smack him to kingdom come.

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