Bury the Hatchet

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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands belong to their rightful owner.

Chapter Eight: Bury the Hatchet

Amy had a rough night to say the least.

She watched the ceiling for quite a long time. And then something fluffy climbed onto her feet. It took her second before realizing it was a dog. She hadn't even looked for the dogs or asked to see them since she had arrived and it'd been nearly six days.

The pink hedgehog wasn't sure if it was good to be counting the days. And yet she still found herself marking the days on the calendar mentally.

Around four in the morning, she was awoken by her feet being on fire. She glanced down and frowned at the dog that acted as a furnace.

The dog wouldn't leave either. It was a Shetland sheepdog with a black coat and splotches of brown on its face. A white fluffy belly exposed itself at nearly two in the morning as the dog had rolled on its side. And dark brown eyes constantly looked at Amy whenever she woke up in the middle of the night.

But four in the morning was good enough for her.

She rose up from the couch and tiredly rubbed her eyes.

Ugh. Why did I have to say I could work on the farm? Five in the morning is ridiculous.

At that moment, something lightly whacked her upside the head. "Ow!" she hissed.

"Go back to bed."

Amy glanced up, twisting her neck back, and stared at Shadow. He hurried to the door and shoved his shoes on while Amy practically fell on her face to get there before he vanished outside.

"What? Why?" she whispered just as he had. The dog trailed at her heels and licked her hand. "Wait, why are you up so early?"

She glanced over at the desk by the door and saw it. She hadn't seen it before but now...the object seemed to stand out above the rest of the junk near the desk.

A gun.

"There's a skunk. Keep the dog inside, get back to bed."


Shadow left and took the gun with him. It wasn't a big gun, Amy guessed. Enough to get rid of a skunk though. And she didn't want to be there for the stink. Silently, the female wondered how on Earth Shadow knew there was a skunk outside.

He's a light sleeper, I guess. She thought to herself tiredly as she trudged back to the couch.

Plopping back down on the sofa, Amy stared at the dog beside her. "Go away."

Instead, the dog lied down on the floor and put its head on its paws. Amy sighed as she wrapped the blankets around her. It was better than having the dog at her feet, setting her ablaze.

And it was definitely better than having to smell a skunk.

Moaning, Amy nuzzled her pillow before lifting her head. She stretched against the couch and nearly jumped up when she saw the sun up before her.

Oh, no! It's most definitely past five! That means I missed feeding animals and probably means Shadow's upset with me!

"Ah!" Amy yelped as she tripped out of her makeshift bed. She stood and turned where she heard the laughter of a familiar blue blur.

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