A Flash of Jealousy

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Chapter Seventeen: A Flash of Jealousy

The silence was thick and heavy throughout the room.

Amy felt a lump the size of a boulder form within her throat as she glanced towards the archway. Shadow had made his leave after he had handed her the phone. Amy knew why now.


It was Cream.

Shadow didn't sound too thrilled to know who was on the other side. Amy caught this as she replayed the scene in her head. If Shadow sounded like he tasted a disgusting bug when he heard Cream's voice then that meant the Ultimate Life Form knew something—something he hadn't told Amy. Perhaps the ebony male lied to her. Whatever it was, Amy felt somewhat hurt.

She had asked what was wrong between Tails and Cream after sensing some sort of tension. Shadow had seemed to be truthful. And yet he lied. He wouldn't have gone with Sonic's opinion of Cream—he would have made his own.

Shadow had stated he had forgotten to mention something when they first talked about the rabbit.

No. Amy thought. He was holding out. Just like he is now.

She stared at the archway with a deep intensity, hoping to get the truth out of someone. Something happened between Tails and Cream, and someone wasn't being completely honest.


She clutched the phone and offered a smile to her old friend, although Cream couldn't see it.

"Hey, Cream."

Butch sat on the couch, taking up Amy's pillow, as his Master sat beside him. While brown eyes continuously glanced at the hedgehog, there was no other movement within the room.

While the dog wondered when Shadow would turn on the television like usual, Shadow remained still as he stared at the black screen several feet in front of him.

"Do Tails and Cream talk often?"

"They did a year or two ago. I failed to mention something last time though."


"They had a falling out maybe a year ago. I don't know the details, but I do know that they were having a secret relationship."

Shadow sighed quietly against the couch as his ears twitched towards the kitchen.

He hadn't meant to sound so snappy to Cream. He didn't like the rabbit for certain reasons—reasons that he hadn't exactly shared with Amy.

She asked about their relationship...That doesn't mean I have to blab everything, right?

Shadow held his head up with the palm of his hand while his elbow rested on the arm of the couch.

Still...she's female. She'll be persistent for the last drop of information. If you don't give it to her...

Shadow couldn't fathom what the little hedgehog would do. He figured she would snap like the hot head she was.

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