Should've Been There

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Sarah and Samwell © BlackPetals23

More drastic changes. But they're for the better and they ARE better! :D

Chapter Four: Should've Been There

Everything was silent in the truck as they headed home.

Shadow contemplated on answering her question or not. The thought of Samwell breaking and entering now, all for the lovely Amy Rose, brought Shadow on edge.

It didn't make what happened at the store any different. Or the grocery store after that. Amy had walked in, bought the brownie mix and some extra clothes after she promised to pay Shadow back, and then they had left.

The girl deserved to know, Shadow figured in the end of thinking about it all.

She'd been a part of the Sonic Heroes, even having her own team. But...what had gone down a while back with Scourge and Samwell didn't have anything to do with her. She hadn't been there.

Still...He knew in the back of his head that if he didn't just tell her now, she'd ask in the future or go to Sonic for answers. Sighing, Shadow gripped the wheel tighter.

"Samwell Turner is in short-accomplices with Scourge."

His voice, again, surprised her.

Amy never knew when he would speak because he solemn ever did. It never ceased to amaze her that he was actually communicating with her. He was normally a lone-wolf of some sorts.


"He survived the Mobius destruction ten years ago..." Shadow mumbled. "The group split-what, eight years ago?" he glanced at her, and when she nodded, he continued. "So we've been here for ten years. I have no clue what he was doing then, but I have a hunch that he and Sonic got into a fight after we split."

"Why do you say that?"

Shadow glanced at her, "Because Scourge lives in the same town as us."

Amy widened her eyes. "W...What?" She wasn't too keen on staying with Shadow anymore.

"You know how there are three small...towns, villages, whatever you want to call them, that make up where we live, correct?"

"I may have noticed the signs."

"Alright," Shadow inhaled sharply. This would take longer to explain than he had anticipated. "We live in Sawyer-we're the only one of the small towns that doesn't have a local store. We used to, but not anymore. Then, if you travel east, there's Lenore-which makes up some farming, but mostly houses in that small couple of acres across the fire station, remember?"

Amy vaguely remembered seeing the main Lenore building and the road that turned with a house across from it-there were other houses in the back, but not many. They were sort of crowded together. Then on the right hand side of the main road was the occasional house or field, but there had been a fire station, gas station, and then the bank. Across the bank was the bar and café. Over the bridge of the irrigation canal that ran empty were trailer houses behind a closed café that was more or less a workshop now for the person who owned it.

Fields remained on the left side of the road and houses on the right with two large fields separating some of the housing. Then another sign, which Amy couldn't think of, had been seen.

"Elkridge. It's where Sarah works at. The school is in Elkridge, Sonic works at Tractor Sales, which is in Elkridge. Lenore has a grocery store, but it's actually in Elkridge rather than in Lenore. There was simply no room. They basically renovated the old grocery store and renamed it 'Lenore Market.' It's across from the fairgrounds."

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