Not So Bad

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Sarah © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask (On FanFiction)

Italicized brands belong to their rightful owner.

Chapter Five: Not So Bad

He never understood how humans created coffee, much less managed to drink it.

Red eyes glared at the cup, wishing for some orange juice instead, but he knew the coffee would at least wake him up. And then he would crash sooner than later on the couch. Shadow frowned as he watched the cup sit there.

Silently, Shadow thought about what had happened the previous day.

In summary, his brain couldn't handle it. He was still trying to process that he had seen Samwell Turner, made Amy angry and possibly leave, and gotten into a fight with Sonic all on the same day. If this was how it was going to be with the pink hedgehog there, Shadow wasn't sure he wanted to remain anywhere near her.

And yet, she was so contagious in her beauty and personality that he found it hard to stay away.

The thought had occurred through his brain late last night when he was thinking about what he had done. It was probably one in the morning when he admitted that what he'd said was a little out of line.

Amy was only being...Amy.

Still, it irked him.

He wasn't sure why, but something about the female had caught his eye. Whether she was annoying to him or not, he wasn't sure just yet. But there was some type of feeling growing towards her, and he didn't dare call it...fondness.

Shuddering, Shadow grabbed the cup and scowled at nothing in particular.

No. He wouldn't get close to her—especially when he was so close for the first time in four years of having a house to himself once again. Amy would surely make it go topsy turvy continuously.

His thoughts were soon cleared when Sonic came into the kitchen, searching for a bowl in the cupboards. The blue hedgehog whipped out a bowl and glass, flashing to the fridge and cupboards with the cereal.

There was a tension between the two that Shadow had never felt.

It raised the hair on the back of his neck.

Shadow watched as Sonic made his breakfast slower than usual, knowing that the nuisance was really waiting for the perfect time to strike and make Shadow feel like a complete and utter asshole.

Just when Shadow thought he was in the clear, Sonic piped up, setting the milk down on the counter and digging into his cereal with his spoon.

"Have you talked to Amy?"

Shadow mentally groaned as he set the cup down on the counter. "I didn't know she was still here..." he chose his words carefully.

"Hmph," Sonic took a pause to chew and then swallow. "Well, maybe you should."

"I'm not going to date her, if that's what you're still trying to do," Shadow eyed him suspiciously.

"Not with that attitude."

The black hedgehog sighed. Leave it to Sonic to get through the tension with ease while leaving Shadow in a sticky situation of a topic he didn't want to talk about ever.

"Trust me, Shadow," Sonic continued to speaking much to Shadow's dismay. "I'm not saying you should date her. Just give her a chance at being an actual person while living here."

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