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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow (AKA BlackPetals23)

In this chapter: Leyla, Walter, and Timothy belong to me, Cozy Shadow/BlackPetals23!

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (on FF)

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Chapter Twenty-Two: Hallucination


Red numbers blared out at Amy, showing her it was way past her bedtime.

Shadow snoozed next to her, completely oblivious to the fact that the pink hedgehog beside him was wide awake still. At least he wasn't dreaming of llamas.

Amy stared up at the ceiling, contemplating about things. About Shadow and his issue. About what Silver said. About Cream.

Cream, at the moment, was on her mind.

Shadow had told Amy they'd figure it out, so she let the issue of dominance display slide for now. Silver had her questioning if Shadow was good for her, but she still didn't quite care. Shadow never really gave her a reason to think he wouldn't be good for her. And Cream...

Well, while the rabbit wasn't joining in on the matchmaking, she had thought Shadow and Amy would look cute together.


"So, you went and moved in with them?"

"Yeah. Blaze thinks it was absurdly rude to disrupt their lives like that, but it felt right, you know?" Amy took down a book from the shelf as the aroma of coffee wafted up to her nose.

Cream stood not too far away as Silver and Tails were in a different aisle – the sci-fi aisle. She glanced down at her shoes. "I didn't realize being separated from them was hard for you. I thought all about myself when we moved away, and separated from you, that I never imagined how it felt to see Sonic leave."

"Well, you already saw me heartbroken when he was with Sally," Amy shrugged. "It wasn't anything too bad compared to that sob fest."

"Right," Cream sat down in a nearby chair. "That's where you replaced me with Silver because he was older and seemed to understand, I guess..."

"That's a reasonable assumption." Amy put the book back and exhaled sharply. "I can't imagine how it felt when we went our separate ways, Cream. I had Silver and then Blaze, but you only had your mother."

"Eventually Vector, and he's really nice. Espio occasionally drops in. We see him during holidays mostly."


"In some private school that Espio pays for with his job as a detective. Vector stays home with Sammy while Mom works at the bakery a few blocks from home."

The rose female stood next to the rabbit. "Still...You lost your best friend, and yes, I sooner or later replaced that spot with Silver. But we grew apart and went on with our lives so much that it was something that was inevitable."

"I know."

"Tails said you hung out with...different people," Amy sat on the arm of the chair. "But your new friend didn't seem too different or from the wrong crowd."

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