Rarely Pure and Never Simple

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Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (on Fanfiction.net)

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.


Not gonna lie, this chapter was up on FanFiction maybe like three weeks ago. I woke up yesterday and realized that WattPad still exists and that I forgot to update this story here. XD That's why I tell people to check FF first because that's where I update things.


Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Rarely Pure and Never Simple


Shadow rarely saw Sonic so stoic and motionless - and this was one of those times where he really didn't want to see it.

"Sonic?" The ebony hedgehog slowly walked over to his friend. Sonic was staring at the ground and lost in thought.

Shadow grabbed Sonic's shoulder. "Sonic?" he repeated.


"What - What do you mean?" The inquiry was quiet.

Shadow exhaled in relief as he let go of the blue blur. "I think Flame might be a spy, Sonic. I told Silver why - he thought it odd but I think he's come around to the idea - "

"The idea?" Sonic hissed at him. They were back at square one. Just when Sonic was going to lighten up on Shadow, he was ready to take a hit at him again. "What do you mean, Shadow? Why the hell would Flame be a spy?"

"Because when we were at the hospital," Shadow took a moment to take a seat on the stool by the work bench, "I saw him receive a text. It was from a random number - there was no name to it - and the text said, 'Is she dead yet?' Now I know we shouldn't assume so quickly, but the more I thought about it and how he responded - I think he's working for Samwell. But perhaps, he's in the same situation as Scourge - if Scourge is really in a situation."

"You think that Sam somehow got a hold onto Flame and is now threatening Sonia's life? The kids' lives?" Sonic didn't like the notion one bit, obviously. His stomach became twisted at the thought.

Shadow looked at him with a more serious tone. "No, I think Flame might have known Samwell long before he met Sonia. Think about it - we've never seen even a picture of Flame's family."

"They said they were headed to see one of his relatives during Valentine's Day," Sonic argued. "That's why we watched the kids in the first place."

"Yes, but he could be lying."

Sonic's quills ruffled in distress. He paced in circles as he brought his hand to his muzzle in thought. "I - What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," Shadow confessed. Red eyes gazed upon the ex-hero with an unsure look. "I don't want to ruin the funeral by interrogating Flame, but if Samwell is closing the gap between him and us because he has all of us near one another now, then Flame might want to be on the right side sooner rather than later."

"You think Sam would hurt Sonia and the kids if Flame did nothing wrong?" Sonic scoffed. "What's the point in that?"

"There's no point to what Samwell Turner does, Sonic. If he's being blackmailed into this, Flame probably lies awake at night to make sure Sonia's still breathing." Shadow walked over to Sonic. "The moment we visit Scourge, I guarantee you that Samwell will find out quickly enough. And if he thinks Scourge is turning against him, he might think Flame is, too. Considering that Flame is so much closer to us to begin with - I don't reckon Samwell will keep Flame alive by the end of whatever his sick plan is. That is my worry."

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