Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Sarah and Sam © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, and Jeffery © Phantomask

Italicized brands belong to their rightful owner.

More on Silver and Amy next chapter. After you read this chapter, you might be wondering, so remember that. I repeat, more on Silver and Amy next chapter. Good? Good.

Chapter Seven: Curiosity Killed the Cat

Spreading the jam over the toast, Amy thought about what she was going to do that day.

"We need groceries."

Obviously, the thought didn't last long once a certain ebony male pitched in an idea that would eventually become a demand.

Shadow sat down at the head of the table and watched as Petunia smeared jam over her face and as Jeffery nibbled on his scrambled eggs. Amy, however, was looking at her food now with distaste.

"Hm...I suppose that means I'll take the kids and you do nothing?"

"If by nothing you mean work, then yes."

Amy sighed as she slumped back in her chair.

Whatever good vibe that had been going through the air last night was completely diminished now. Amy still stared at Shadow like he would burst any moment in rage and send her packing. But she could never quite tell if he was angry or...not angry. She definitely wouldn't call it happy.

He's just unpredictable. Amy poked her scrambled eggs with her fork. Sonic might have made him open up more, but it's not by a lot. He might've helped Shadow stop being so damn cocky but he's still rude.

And yet, he has his good moments where he's actually a nice being. Not nice enough to call a friend but enough to last through one more day in this ever changing, bizarre household.

Speaking of the household, Amy wondered where Sarah and Sonic were.

It was Sunday and neither had work, but she didn't exactly recall them ever coming home. Still, the kids woke up and Sarah directed them to the kitchen that morning before going back to bed. Amy didn't even want to think about what they might be doing in there.

At least it means everything went well. And that would mean that Sonic and Sarah are engaged. She took a moment to think about the thought. A wedding. That would be nice. Better than shopping for sure.

"Fine. But if I lose one of them then it's on you and Sonia gets to murder you any way she'd like to."

There was a pause and Amy almost thought she had gotten out of grocery shopping. But she would be a fool to think that Shadow wouldn't be stubborn, even for something as stupid as this, and allow her to stay home another day.

"Fair enough. Be back by five."

Shopping would've been ten times easier if Shadow had specifically stated what he wanted.

Instead, Amy had a list of items to work with—a list written by Shadow. Amy learned two things upon looking at the list the moment she walked into the grocery store.

1) Shadow wrote in cursive. That meant with every item, Amy had to look at it and guess what it said. It wasn't that Shadow's handwriting was terrible, it was actually very neat. No, the problem was that Amy couldn't read cursive—good or bad. It all looked like loops to her.

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