A Reunion of Sorts

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STH © SEGA/Archie

Sarah & Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask (FanFiction)

Italicized brands (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

Last update for now. XD Working on Chapter 22 still.

Chapter Twenty-One: A Reunion of Sorts

Shadow had to admit that this new female wasn't half bad at farm work.

It was dustier than usual as Manic swept the tractor shed. Sunny was organizing Shadow's tools in his toolbox while happily humming to herself. Her cheeriness reminded the bolshie male of Amy.

He mentally tried to shake the thoughts, but the rose hedgehog popped into his head. And then what happened at breakfast...and then Silver's words.


A frown calmly placed itself across his muzzle.

It was true. Shadow thought more about it – figuring out he had used dominance over Amy to get not only her moving, but everyone else. Silver had seen right through it though. Something in Shadow said it wasn't good that another male in the house spotted the dominance move for it could cause rivalry.

Rivalry to what? This was where Shadow remained perplexed. He could tell he was more animalistic than the others around him. Sonic sure as hell didn't act overly possessive of Sarah – until last night.

He replayed how so suddenly Sonic switched from gripping Sarah too tightly around her wrist to growling at Shadow like he was an enemy. Shadow himself could recall feeling slightly peeved at the way Sonic held her too tightly.

Perhaps with the accumulating amount of house guests, we're becoming more feral. No. It's something else. I could have sworn something almost tugged me towards Sarah. Just like something tugged me towards Amy when she was on her period. Only nothing about this tug was sexual. And Sonic didn't seem to respond harshly like I had tried to make a move on Sarah.

It was almost like... Shadow furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. Something was in need of protecting.

That was as far as he could think. He couldn't describe the way it felt. It didn't have any words. But the thought of being more animalistic than the others...intimated the Ultimate Life Form.

What if that meant he was more prone to lose control?

What if Amy was still around after Sarah and Sonic moved out and he lost control when Amy was in heat again?

Shadow tried to not think of the scenario. He didn't want to intentionally hurt the young rose. She was full of flaws like the rest of the household and yet for some reason, he found himself closer to her than the others.

We've created an odd bond of sorts.

He recalled the night they had "made up." It was hellish waking up to hear Amy screaming bloody murder. It had brought a heart attack upon him, he was sure. Waking up to a scream like that...it had been years and back in Mobius. What made it worse was that he had instantly known who the screams were coming from.

Shadow hadn't taken long to leap out of bed and race downstairs before Sonic could even open his bedroom door. Something had told him to hurry the hell up. A small little pang in his chest tweaked when he saw her curled up on the couch in a fright, shaking like a leaf. An instinct within him, now known as his animal instincts, told him to protect the lovely flower. Even in that instance he saw Sonic as a threat, but he did his best not to show it.

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