Chapter 1

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What the fuck is going on?!

I died, right?


No, no I did. I know I did. I just watched them have a funeral for me.

Then this bright ass light came and I woke up here.

Now where exactly is 'here'?


What the actual fuck was that?!

Was that talking? It's all muffled though.

What the hell is going on?


So it's been a couple days, ...I think, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm in someone's womb. Meaning I'm a baby, and I've been reborn. Reincarnated.

So I guess I just have to wait right?

To be born.

I'm oddly excited. I've always been into reincarnation stories and honestly my last life wasn't that great.

Dead sister, pushy parents, fake friends... you get my point?

I just hope things go okay for me in this new life. I barely got the chance to live my last one. I lived for everyone else, but not this time.

I'm still kinda stumped on why I still have my memories but I don't really need to know.


As the weeks pass, it gets easier to hear people talking to or around me.

Point is's boring as fuck in here.

I was a police officer (not by choice, but we'll get into that later), I'm so used to action and to always be ready.

Now I'm this little glob of flesh in my new mothers baby maker.

Sigh, life (or reborn life) is so boring. There is nothing to do but listen to people talk to me about being a good baby, and how they are excited to meet me.

And as sweet as it is, they say it over and over. Like a broken record, like bitch I know, you say it everyday.

I just wish time would hurry up.


Okay, so today is the day. I'm finally outta here.

I'm pretty sure..

Nope, it's definitely the day.

I see some light and I'm being pushed towards it.

It only takes a few minutes and I'm out.

Only it's cold as fuck and I'm being passed person to person, I can't help but cry.

I calm down when I'm cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket. I open my eyes and take a glance around the room, trying to find my new parents but this nurse is in the fucking way.

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