Chapter 10

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It's the next morning and I need to go check on Jeremy.

I walk out of my room, down the hallway, and knock on Jeremy's door.

He opens the door and waved for me to come in. I walk in and sit in his bed, waiting for him to say something, ask me questions, you know, do something.

But no. He stands there in silence just looking at me, like he's curious what I might do next.

I raise an eyebrow, like what am I supposed to do? A fucking magic trick like a shitty birthday party magician? I would if he asked, but I'd have to charge for it. Is three hundred dollars a trick too much? Hmm, I wonder.

He sighs and grabs his desk chair pulling it over in front of his bed before sitting on it.

"So I know everything and I have to say, I'm freaked out man." He says rubbing his hands over his face. Sighing he looks at me, "What are we gonna do? Klaus? Silas? Cade? Katherine? And a whole bunch of other people are gonna try and kill us all and if not the entire world."

I hate how much this is stressing him out.

I mean yeah, this shit is stressing me out too, but it was never my intention to mess up his mental state.

"I don't know Jer. I sorta had a plan to just go with the flow and save as many people as I like. And I was planning to make friends with a few of the people you said." Maybe more than friends with one of them.


I cross my arms and shrug, being nonchalant about it.

"How can you be friends with any of them?! One of them actually kills Aunt Jenna! And about Aunt Jenna, what are we gonna do? Should we tell her everything?" He rambles. It seems like he's spiraling out of control in his mind.

I sigh, shaking my head. I stand up and walk over to him putting my hands on his shoulders before shaking the shit out of him.

"H-hey man! What a-are you d-doing?! Stop shaking me!"

Only when I hear him yell do I then stop shaking him.

"Listen you need to calm down. You're stressing about stuff that hasn't even happened yet. And I get it, I'm stressed out too. But your letting it get to your head. You need to chill." I say as I let go of his shoulders. I sit down again and look at him.

"You know Jer, me and D are going to do some mission type shit tonight wanna join? It helps with everything going on too." I smile innocently.

"Why do I feel like your hiding something about it?" He looks at me suspiciously.


After driving for awhile I park my car and shut it off.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Jeremy whined.

I roll my eyes, "Yes, Jeremy. I've had this planned for years now."

"But he's a vampire! A vampire that probably killed lots of people." He says trying to convince me. If it didn't work on the half an hour drive here it won't work now.

"Hey! I'm a vampire, your hurting my feelings Little Gilbert." Damon says from the passenger seat, hand over his heart all dramatic and fake.

I roll my eyes at them both and get out of the car. It's eleven o'clock at night and I wanna get this over with.

I walk towards Whitmore and I hear the car doors shut along with the noise of them bickering. Sighing I turn around to explain the plan, only to see them flirt fighting.

Ya know, like play fighting and bickering cutely.

Ohhhh, okay then. So they like each other? That's so cute!! The two closest people in my life like each other!!

I clear my throat to stop from squealing, "Guys, this is the plan. We get in and get out. I'll knock on the door, knock out whoever answers, then we go in get Enzo and leave. Got it?"


"Got it Short-stack."

We walk to the door and I knock. I wait for thirty seconds for them to answer. When no one comes I look at Damon and Jeremy with a confused face. Aren't they like always here in TVD? I raise my hand to knock again when it suddenly opens. And there he is, Wes Maxfield.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

I make a fake smile, "Yes you can Sir. Can you just shut the fuck and die? Or is that too much for you?" I say mockingly.

"Excuse me? Wh-"

I snap my fingers before he finishes and he falls to the ground.

"That was so cool Ellie!" Jeremy exclaims.

I chuckle and shake my head stepping over the body laying on the floor.

We move through the house and follow Damon to the cells. Once we're down there we see him leaning against the wall.

"Damon Salvatore? What are you doing here? Have you come to mock me? Taunt me how you got away and I didn't?" He rasped. Gosh, he sounds like he hasn't had a drink in months.

"Of course not Enzo. It took everything for me to walk away from you when the fire started. I had to turn off my humanity! I'm here because you need to live your life, and I owe it to you to make that happen." He states. Damon opens the cell and helps Enzo up by grabbing his hand.

"This doesn't mean your forgiven mate." Enzo says lowly, wrapping an arm around Damon's shoulder for support to walk.

"Of course not. Wouldn't dream of it." He smirks at him.

We make our way out of the room. Until we hear people talking. It's distant, most likely down the hall. We freeze, stopping our movement.

"What do we do?" Jeremy whisper yelled.

"Obviously we kill them Jer." I say grinning at them.



"Alright, mate."

Jeremy looks at Damon and Enzo like their crazy before looking back at me with the same look.

Ya know, people have been saying I'm crazy a lot lately,... I wonder why?

"Oh my gosh, you're so dramatic Jer. Im kidding," I say giggling, Jeremy says 'oh' before chuckling, "kinda." I say lowly and Jeremy becomes silent.

I walk down the hallway directly to the people. Ignoring the calls for my name.

It's not even that difficult. Nothing scary, I'm just gonna put them to sleep... in a coma like state, that they will never wake up from unless they are about to die.

The doctors finally notice me. They look confused and try to be polite.
They smile politely as I walk closer, I stop in front of them with a sinister gaze and an innocent smile.

"Hi doctors, you see I have a problem." I say batting my eyelashes.

"Oh yeah? Well maybe we can help." A young doctor said smirking, he looked like he was in his late thirties and was balding. Ew.

"Oh yes you can," I say flirtatiously, ugh, this feels so gross, "you can go to sleep until you are seconds away from death." I say in another language. A dead language actually. It was a fucking bitch trying to learn that for a grimore I bought that was only written in that language.

They drop to the floor and I swear I heard a skull smack on the floor but.. oh well. He ain't living anyway.

The guys come down the hall and look at what I've done. I smirk at their faces and laugh at Jeremy's. Let's just say he's displeased with me.

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