Chapter 13

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"I can't believe you Elliot. You knew everything and you didn't tell me? How could you?! Weren't you worried for me?! I'm your sister! And what are you doing hanging around monsters? Not to mention dragging Jeremy into this too. Yeah, Stefan told me everything. How could you do this to me?" Elena ranted at me.

As you could guess she found out about Steffy and he told her everything. I don't really care if she knows, it's just times like this that I remember why I hate her to my core. She's so annoying, selfish, stupid, and nosey. Bitch needs to mind her own business.

"I'm not doing anything to you. It's literally the opposite actually. I'm minding my own business. Why don't you try it sometime? And what are you saying about monsters? If Steffy really told you everything he would've told you I'm one of those monsters you talk about." I didn't wanna throw the fact that she wasn't my sister in her face quite yet so I bit my tongue.

"What are you talking about Elliot? I mean I know your a monster but not in the supernatural sense." She sneered.

I rolled my eyes, she's so stupid and arrogant.

"I'm a witch Elena, I do magic and all that jazz." I say blandly, doing jazz hands.

She looked shocked, her lips parted and eyes wide.

"Witches are real? And your one? How could you keep this from us?!" She asks hysterically.

Dumb bitch, this is why!! I hate you!

"Actually your the only one who didn't know. I didn't tell you because honestly... I don't care about what you think of me and it was none of your business." I say smugly.

She looks at me and starts crying.

Oh my god, here we go.


It's been a confusing couple of weeks. Things are going so off track with the plot. So many things are different.

Mayor Lockwood left after getting a divorce. Apparently he walked in on them scissoring on his bed. You'd think they learned to lock the god damn door but I guess not.

Vicki left. Like actually left town. She said she didn't want to be in this town where she'll never be anything other than the druggy girl. She left behind a note with her new number and address for Matt.

John is in town and him and Jenna kinda have a thing going on. Maybe I'm just seeing things but I sense a lot of sexual tension between them when they banter with each other. Not gonna lie, I ship it. John isn't bad or anything, he was just raised to hate vampires. I don't judge but vampires can suck sometimes, so I can see where he's coming from.

Enzo stayed saying he owes me his life being dramatic as hell. I told him to leave me alone but he's taken it upon himself to move into the boarding house. You can guess how Stefan reacted.

Speaking of Steffy, looks like he's getting tired of Elena's shit. His patience is half of what it used to be. They get in fights more often and Stefan isn't running to her apologizing for whatever made her upset. I think it's time to bring him into the fam.

Tyler, Caroline, and me have started hanging out again and it's good to see them again. They're good friends compared to how Bonnie or Elena are.

Anywho, currently I'm kinda bored.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I look around and see Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Grams.

Yup, you guessed it. We're at the tomb.

Damon stopped trying to open it but Anna was fierce to get her mother back. I can't understand. Who would want to see their mom?

Anyway Anna kidnapped Bonnie and Elena. I warned Jeremy to stay away from her-not that Damon would have let her get close to him, he's kinda possessive-so she made a new plan.

Of course I already knew this was all gonna happen so I teamed up with her weeks ago. After I got fed up with Logan's bullshit and killed him I went straight to her.

Obviously everyone thinks I was kidnapped too tho. And that leads to the present, having to pretend I was kidnapped and I'm scared.

I look around and see Bonnie and Grams doing the spell. Anna goes in grabbing Elena for insurance (my idea).

Bonnie and Grams throw a fit, you know 'poor Elena! Let her go!'.

"Would you calm down? Fucking dramatic as hell." I mutter. "She'll be fine."

"How can you say that?! She's your sister!"

Looking at Bonnie I shake my head. After a while Stefan went in after her. Rather reluctantly I might add. It looked like he was forcing himself to play the role of good boyfriend. I just sat there and rolled my eyes at everything. Couldn't they wait like five minutes? Anna said she'd be fine after feeding her mother Gilbert blood.

I really didn't care but I figured 'okay, that's cool'. When Elena came back out and found out Stefan was stuck she was about to cry.

She's the most dramatic person I've ever met, and I've lived two lives. That's gotta say something.

"Bonnie you have to get him out! Please!"

"Elena I'm doing everything I can. We'll get him out. I promise. It just might take some time." She tried to explain calmly. But it wasn't working.

"We don't have time Bonnie!" She yelled, suddenly she turned her head and looked at me.

"And why are you just sitting there? Make yourself useful. You're a witch too right? Get. Him. Out." She ordered.

Who the fuck did she think she's talking to?

"What did you say to me? Because it sounded like you just ordered me to do something. And that can't be right because that would make you crazy. Your selfish, annoying, and ugly inside but your not crazy right?" I say lowly and chuckle darkly at her mistake.

She really shouldn't have talked to me that way.

I slowly stood up and made my way to her. She was scared silent having never seen this side of me before. Ever since she found out I was a witch I just stopped holding back.

She stumbled back a few steps and looked at Bonnie and Grams for help.

"They can't help you. And even if they tried I'm so much stronger then both of them combined."

She looked nervous at my statement and started crying.

I rolled my eyes, this wasn't even worth it. I look her straight in the eye and lean forward inches from her face.

"Watch what you say and who you say it to." I whisper.

She shakes her head violently and backs up into the wall. Bonnie who was being held back by her Grams runs to her, checking on her before glaring at me

They start doing the spell again, the spell that'll kill Grams. I honestly don't care if she lives or dies. Too much would change if I saved her and the only advantage I have in this life is knowing what's gonna happen.

Anna and Pearl left with Harper a little bit after they started the spell. Saving him was one of my conditions when working together too. He was a real sweet guy and he deserved to live a little and move on with his life. That's why I got those three plane tickets to Boston. So they can start over and get out of this hell hole town.

When the spell was over and Stefan came out we were all exhausted and so done with this fucking tomb. Unfortunately I still had to do something. Watching them leave without even talking or looking at me was annoying but at the last moment Stefan glanced back looking apologetic. I shook my head and smiled at him. I made a shooing gesture and he smiled before turning around and leaving.

Once I knew they were all gone I made my way in and lit them all on fire one by one. No one wants to deal with those fuckers.

I walk out brushing my hands off and headed back home.

Hey! So I'm gonna do some time skips cause I'm lazy. I think it'll be maybe 1-2 chapters before Klaus comes. So get ready!

Thx for reading ❤️❤️

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