Chapter 12

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I wake up on the couch early in the morning. Damn my neck hurts, who the fuck let me sleep here?

I look around and see Enzo sleeping on the couch across from me, and Damon and Jeremy no where to be seen.

I can kinda guess why but I don't wanna think about that type shit with my brother. Mentally cringing I stand up and move to Enzo waking him up. I slap him in the cheek a couple times.

"What do you want mate?" He mutters with his eyes closed. He nuzzles back into the pillow and lays there. I hear him snore and flick his forehead.

I roll my eyes and leave him. Lazy bitch.

I walk to the kitchen and see Damon making eggs and bacon, with Jeremy sitting at the island with a cup of coffee staring at Damon with a lovestruck look.

"Good. Your making food, I'm fucking starving."

Jeremy jumps at the sound of my voice and turns to me looking like he just got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. Even his ears are blushing at this point, I chuckle and sit down next to him.

"Hey, so I think I'm gonna tell Aunt Jenna today. I'm not waiting until it's too late. Do you wanna be there when I do it? You don't have to. But I figured you'd wanna be there." I tell Jeremy.

Aunt Jenna needs to know everything, and when she found out in the show she took it fine besides everyone keeping it from her. We're not gonna do that this time.

I honestly don't know why Elena thought keeping people in the dark was keeping people safe. She just kept taking everyone's choices away. Like bitch, who the fuck said you know best? That's why your boyfriend doesn't even love you.

"Yeah, I want to be there. How do you think she will react? I'm a little worried about her reaction." Jeremy said fidgeting with his hands.

"I think she'll have to digest everything slowly, but otherwise she'll be fine."
I shrug.

"Okay, if you think so."


We are sitting down with Aunt Jenna, the two of us on the couch and her siting across from us.

"Are you guys gonna tell me what's going on? You were being all weird about having to tell me something. I'm kinda worried."

Me and Jeremy look at each other, having a silent conversation. Wondering if this was a good idea.

I sigh and look at her. It's kinda sad how Elena left her so vulnerable and basically made her an outsider until she couldn't anymore. She's clueless, but not for long.

"Aunt Jenna, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've been hiding something from you." I say bluntly.

"We didn't know how to tell you and were waiting for the right time. But the right time is never going to come. There's never going to be a time when you're ready for this conversation." Jeremy says slowly, trying to keep everyone calm.

Jenna looks worried and she should be. We're about to flip her world upside down.

"Well what is it?" She says impatiently.

We take a deep breath and ready ourselves for her reaction.

"Try not to freak out. But... the supernatural is real." I told her not really expecting her to believe me. I mean, no one would believe it's real just because someone told them they are. That's stupid.

And just like I expected, she started laughing. She looked relived and found what we said funny. Oh, if only she knew.

"That's funny. And you said it with a dead serious face too." She laughed more, after calming down she looked at us, "Now, you need to tell me what you're actually hiding from me. It's okay to make jokes to deflect from a serious conversation but you guys need to tell me. I'm your guardian. I'm in charge. Tell me."

"We did tell you. But I didn't really expect you to believe me. So I'm gonna prove it." I say smugly.

She raised an eyebrow making a deadpan face.

"Oh? And how are you gonna do-"

I snapped my fingers and she was lifted in the air.

Her eyes widened and started waving her hands around trying to grab onto something. I giggle along with Jeremy just watching her freak out.

"Elliot! Jeremy! What's going on?!" She wailed, while kicking her feet in the air.

"Why are you yelling? We are only a few feet down here." I snigger. Jeremy chuckles while watching her in the air.

"Alright, come on Ellie put her down."

I pout and do as told. Stupid Jeremy always ruining my fun.

After being safely sat in her chair Jenna grabs the arms clutching it to hold her down. I laugh under my breath.

"So-so what was t-that? Magic?"

Nooo. It was just a weird gravity glitch.

Of course it was magic. Dumbass.

I roll my eyes-I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately-sighing at her stupid question.

"Yes, it was magic. I'm a witch." I tell her, our eye's connected.

She nods slowly realizing this is all real.

"How are you a witch?"

"Simple. Mom was a whore. She cheated on Dad with a man who happened to be a witch and had me. I don't know for sure if Dad knew but I think he did. It was the way he looked at me sometimes, he was sad, like he was disappointed I wasn't his." I shake my head getting off track and emotional. "Anyway, I found out when I was little and didn't tell anyone other than Jeremy." I shrug.

"Hey don't call your Mom a whore Elliot. She was my sister and she was a good woman. She wouldn't have done that."

I roll my eyes-again-and scoff.

"How well did you even know her? She cheated on Dad a bunch of times and Dad just ignored it. She was a bad person. Don't lie and say she was a good Mom or a good wife. She wasn't."

Jenna looks at me, processing everything. I look at Jeremy and find him already looking at me. I never told him Dad wasn't really my father, or about the cheating. I found out when I did a spell about my heritage. I knew it didn't make sense that I was a witch. And I found my answers. I'm just grateful Dad treated me with love and care anyway. I was his son, through and through. Nothing will change that.

Jeremy hugs me tightly and pulls away. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it would make you see me differently. The same reason I didn't tell you I was a witch. I'm just scared of losing you. Your my family, you and your opinion matters to me."

"Well, you have nothing to worry about, you're my big brother. I can't see you any other way." He smiles at me.

The relief hit me so hard I started to tear up. "Thanks." I say, smiling sheepishly. I duck my head and hide my face.

"This has been a lot and it's getting late. Let's make dinner and eat. We have a lot to talk about later." Jenna say's smiling softly at the two of us.

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