Chapter 25

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"Please Ellie."



He looks up at me for the first time and I see that he's crying too.

"I said no. I will not leave things like this Jer."

"What else is there to talk about?"

"Jeremy.. you should have told me if me liking him was something that bothered you..."

"And what would you have said? I saw how much you liked him."

"I would have talked it out with you! He is in no way more important than you. Do you understand? Because I might might have a.... slight obsession with him," he scoffs and rolls his eyes, "but he isn't my brother. He isn't the one I always worry about, the one I always cook dinner for, the one I absolutely could not live without. Jeremy you are my only family left and I couldn't stand it if you were to stay mad at me. So please, please,... help me out here and talk to me."

He takes a deep breath and has his head in his hands.

"...I get that you like him-"


"No, really, I get it.... but I think this is something that I have been sitting on for awhile and it just burst out now. I always worry about you... and it seems like you just dive headfirst into all of these dangerous situations without a second thought of what would happen if you got hurt or God forbid... you died. What would I do?" He looks up at me teary eyed and grips his trembling hands tighter.

Oh Jeremy....

"Jer, I could die walking down the street.... there is a risk with everything in life."

"I know that! But the problem is that you take unnecessary ones!" He shouts at me before he takes a shuddering breath and wipes his tears.



"Yeah, I won't take any big risks anymore. And if I do... then you need to know that I did it for a good reason okay? Deal?"

"Okay... and the next time you go missing..."

"I'll call, I promise. I really did just forget okay? I'm sorry...." I say softly.

He stands up and moves to hug me.

As his arms wrap around me I sigh in relief. I can't stand it when me and Jeremy aren't on the same page.

...and I can't stand it when the guy I like and my brother don't get along.

"Can you at least try to get to know him? Please? It would mean a lot to me..."

He sighs and holds me tighter.

"Okay. I'll try, but if he does anything to me-"

"He won't! And if he does I'll kill him myself."

He laughs against me and sighs as he lets go and walks to the fridge.

"Want some water? All that crying made me dehydrated." He laughs and I join him.


"Is the coast clear?" I hear from the doorway.

I turn and see Damon and roll my eyes.

"Yep, everything is settled."

"Good because I don't like it when my boyfriend" Jeremy starts blushing, "is all sad." He chuckles when he see's Jeremy and goes over to him and pulls him gainst him by his waist.

I roll my eyes at their lovey-doveyness and realize that earlier Jeremy said that Damon was the 'love of his life'. I look at them speaking softly to each other and hope deep down that me and Nikki can have that.

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