Chapter 22 (Mature)

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"Hm? What? Did I say that? I misspoke." I wave my hand dismissivly and look anywhere but him.

"So you knew about me but still went with me... hm?" He wonders aloud.

I cringe and stand, I turn to face him and look down at him.

"So... if I have this right... you knew me, liked me before I met you, and .... you're basically obsessed with me?" He teases, his smirk irritating me. I pout and cross my arms. I can't even deny that, which sucks ass.

He stands up and towers over me, his lips going to my ear, he stands there, hot breaths hitting my ear before he says, "You're in love with me huh?" He huffs a laugh before stepping back. Annoying fucker.

When he see's my red, hot and bothered state he laughs even more. I huff and grab his face, shutting him up with a kiss. His laughter fades and kisses me back. The kiss gets passionate and his hands go to my ass. I moan as he squezzes it. I break the kiss, panting for air, I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his lips.

"Make fun of me all you want, I'll be making you fall for me any day now."

Nikki laughs and shakes his head in amusement. What? He thinks he won't? He's in for a rude awakening.

"What are you laughing at? You don't believe me?"

He chuckles and shakes his head no, "No, no, I believe you. Can't wait." He smiles at me.

I beam at him and peck him, once, twice, three times. The kiss becomes deeper and he licks my lips asking for entrance, I open for him and our tounges clash together. There's no point fighting for dominance over the kiss so I give up early. He sighs in satisfaction and cups his hands under my ass, lifting me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and move one hand through his hair and tugging on it lightly.

He lays me on the bed and detaches from me. I whine and open my eyes to see him taking his shirt off.

Oh, shit, oh shit oh shit. It about to happen. It's now or never.

I watch him undress and run my eyes all over his body.

Mmm, yummy.

He smirks at me and takes off his last bit of clothing, that was covering his cock. I moan when I see it, nice long and thick, I want to run my lips all over it. I pant and sit up, taking my shirt off. I feel too hot to be wearing clothes right now, ecspecially when he's not wearing any.

I tug on my clothes frantically until I'm naked and acheing.

His dark lust filled eyes devour me and leans over me. I grab his face and smash our lips together. His one hand on the bed beside my head to hold himself up, the other running down my naked side leaving goosebumps in it's wake.

He reaches my cock that is smaller than his by a mile, and starts stroking me. I moan in his mouth and run my hands down his back. Smooth skin and hard muscule. I pull away from the kiss to breathe. I moan loudly when his hand moves faster.

He takes his hand away leaving me whimpering in need. He starts kissing down my neck leaving hickies on the way. His lips get to my nipple and licks my pink bud. I moan and hold his head there. I take my hand and rub down his chest and abs. I get to his cock and grab it.

He growls around my nipple, sending vibrations and making me mewl.

He grabs lube out of the bedside table quickly and open it, lubing up his fingers.

I fidget nervously and voice my thoughts.

"Um, it's my f-first time." I say lowly, but I know he heard me. He looks at me with soften eyes.

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