Chapter 15

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He walks in walking to Elena and I reveal myself sitting there smugly.

He looks at me, then to Rose.

"What's the meaning to this?"

"What?" She asks confused.

I laugh and he looks over irritated.

"They can't see me Eli."

"A witch." He states.

"Yuppers, that me." I giggle.

I smile at him genuinely before turning to Elena make face turning into a scowl. She quietly sat there watching our interaction.

Why can't she always be quiet?

Hmm, I wonder.

"She's just another Katherine." I say looking away. I hear her gasp and roll my eyes. I snap my fingers and she drops on the couch unconscious.

"Haah, much better." I sigh contently.

"Now, I don't wanna stop you from doing whatever you wanna do but I got an offer for ya."

"What is it that you want?" He asks looking intrigued.

I take a deep breath, settling the nerves and walk over to him.

"Well I want a lot of things, money, delicious food, my sweet Nikki, some more magic. But this isn't about me. It's about you. You want your family right?"

His eyes shoot to mine and walks slowly to me threateningly.

"What do you know of my family?"

"I know that they are perfectly fine. Well as fine as one can be in a coffin but whatever." I shrug nonchalantly not showing my nerves.

This has to work out. He plays a big role in my plan: make Nikki happy.

Oh and if you hadn't caught on Nikki is a nickname I used for Niklaus. I just thought it was cute and I know without a doubt it would annoy him and I love annoying everybody.

"Where are they?" He asks lowly, trying to making his voice threatening. But I can kill him with a splinter from the Wickery bridge so let's not.

"Alright I'm gonna need you to stop with the attitude. I get it they're your family but be fucking respectful Elijah." I say seriously.

"Anyway, Nikki has them. They are fine."

"Nikki? Who is this Nikki?"

"Aww Eli, it's your lil bro!" I say excitedly. I giggle at his face as he realizes who the nickname is for. He face scrunches in disgust before shaking his head and putting his hands in his pockets.

"So I was thinking, you stop trying to kill Nikki and I'll get your family back, does that sound good to you?"

"And if I say no?-"

"You die. Listen, I like you. Really, you seem cool. But Nikki is my priority right now. And if you are saying you wanna put him in danger I'll have to take you out." I say darkly.

"You? You may be a powerful witch but you aren't strong enough to kill an original." He chuckles.

Ha? That's why yo mamas a hoe.

Oh how I wanna choke him out. But it's okay, I'll let him keep underestimating me, I'll use it to my advantage anyway.

"Elijah. You are not as hard to kill as you make people believe, hell I can make you go to sleep for centuries by putting a fucking butter knife in your chest as long as it has a spell on it."

He scoffs and goes into deep thought for a moment.

"Okay, as long as I get my family back." I beam as we shake hands on it.

One step closer to the end goal: getting Niklaus here with me.


Steffy and Elena are officially over.

Me, Damon, Jeremy, Jenna, John, Enzo, Caroline, Tyler, and Steffy have been celebrating for days. He had enough of her bullshit when she contacted Klaus. She was endangering everyone not just her.

She wanted to play martyr, she can be one alone. Not gonna lie though, she saved me time by calling Nikki.

I squeal inwardly with excitement. I can't wait to see him. I'll make that man mine. With all his sexiness and danger. I'll make sure he's loved and appreciated.

Ever since the deal with Elijah and I he sent the Martin's to spy on me, their cover story being 'protection'.

Like bitch, I can protect myself and my family just fine.

But yeah, I kept them alive. They should've died awhile ago but Bonnie is getting fed up with Elena and her demands too, so her favors are slowly declining.

Rose didn't die but instead left after getting a daylight ring from me. She's still mourning Trevor so she was gloomy and depressing. I'm kinda glad she left, she was always bringing down the mood.

My Nikki was in at the dance in Alarics body. But since I wanna see him in his own body I didn't bother going. Instead I did a spell at home to expel him from Alarics body and into his own.

We haven't seen him since then.

I'm starting to get anxious. I mean sure I wanna see him but what if he doesn't like me? I mean what I'd he isn't even gay? I'm sure after living for a thousand years he's has to try a man at least once, but it's still nerve racking.

I'm especially nervous because I forget when he comes. Leading a second life can make people forgetful.

I need to take a breath. I get up from the couch and leave the boarding house. I decide to take a walk in the woods maybe talk to a squirrel or two.

About five minutes later and I'm pretty sure I'm lost.

"Hey! Birdie!" I wave frantically at a bird but it just flys away.

"Well fuck you too." I pout.

I look around trying to see the house or lights. Anything.

I hear a crunch and immediately go into defense mode.

"Who's there?" I hear a whoosh of wind in the trees, but everything else stands still. No squirrels, birds, not even a cricket.

"Hello? Come out or I'll beat your ass when I find you."

I hear another crunch behind me and feel eyes on me.

"What a bold statement love."

I shiver at the sound of his voice and I tremble with joy.

He's here.

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