Chapter 4

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I was dragged to this shitty bonfire by Jeremy. Apparently I need to make friends.

Ugh, I hate people.

But if it makes him worry this much to drag me here then I guess I'll try.

You know what! I'll befriend Damon! He's supposed to attack Vicki tonight anyway. I'll just stop him and convince him to talk to me.

I mean I'll probably have to use some witchy-woo but that's okay.

I'm sitting on a log and look around for Vicki and Tyler. Instead I see Stefan and Elena watching Bonnie walk off.

I stand up to go over because I'm bored ...and a little drunk.

I giggle when they see me. Stefan looking at me like I'm a weirdo and Elena looking at me with panic.

"I'd watch out Steffy, she has many suitors and she's realllyyy selfish." I say as soon as I'm in front of them.

"That's probably why ya like her though right? Because she reminds you of Katherine?" I slur a little.

Ohh shit. I probably shouldn't have said that ...too late now.

He gets this intense look on his face, lookin kinda constipated, and glared at me.

Bro, what is your glare gonna do? Scare me? You look like an angry kitten. Not even in a cute way, but like, in a weak way.

I look back at him and giggle.

"How do you know Katherine?" He demands.

Ew, I hated that in the show. Acting like he deserves the right to know.

Pft- hahaha... no.

"None ya business." I turn to look at Elena, who looks confused out of her mind.

"I'd warn you stay away from him if I actually cared. But I don't, so do whatever ya want, just don't go draggin problems back to ma family. Anywho, I gotta go. Tootles." I wiggle why fingers at them while I walk away.

The wind brushes past me and I shiver. Damn I'm fucking cold, I didn't even bring a hoodie.


It's be like three hours! Ok not really, but it feels like it!

I can't find Jeremy, Vicki, or Tyler. My buzz is wearing off and I'm fucking hungry as fuck.

I lean by the gazebo and watch the scene with Steffy and Care.

Caroline walks up to him with a flirty smile, "Hey, there you are. Have you been down the falls yet? Because they are very cool at night. And I can show you. If you want." She smiles suggestively.

"I think you've had too much to drink."

"Well, of course I have. So-"

"Caroline." He interrupts.

"You and me... it's not gonna happen. Sorry."

The smile slid off her face, and he walked away, toward Elena.

Wow. What a fucking douchebag. I bet she feels stupid and humiliated now, what the fuck? Who treats people like that? And he just left her there!

I scoff and look at them in disgust. They don't even realize I'm here. I roll my eyes.

"I was wondering who abducted you but now I know." She laughs.

"Is she always like that with, uh, all the guys?" He asks hesitantly.

Are you seriously asking if she's a hoe right now?!

"No. You're fresh meat. She'll back off eventually."

Yea, not like she had actual feelings right? Not like you asked right?

What a nasty bitch. She's supposed to be your friend. I really regret growing apart from Caroline and Tyler.

They grew into the people they were in the show. An asshole mutt and an insecure control freak.

"Hmm." Stefan hums.

She sees Jeremy stumbling in the woods and I just know she's gonna try and play Mom again.

"God, you gotta be kidding me!"

"What is it?" Stefan asks as Elena chases after Jeremy.

I don't stay to listen to the rest because I run past her. I catch up to Jeremy, Elena right on my heels.

"Jeremy, where the hell are you going?!"

"I don't want to hear it."

While turning to walk away he trips over something or should I say someone. He's leaning over Vicki shocked and notices blood.

"Vicki. No."

He turns to look at me with unshed tears, "Oh, my god, it's Vicki!"

Elena mumbles an 'Oh my god' watching Jeremy try and wake her. That's when she gasps awake out of nowhere.

Dramatic much? Gosh, almost gave me a freaking heart attack.

I look at Jeremy and he's frozen. I sigh and look at Elena. Wow, just standing there doing nothing.

Time for big brother mode.


"Okay, she's awake that's good. Jeremy I need you to snap out of it. She needs an ambulance. We need to call 911." I speak softly to not upset Jeremy more than he already is.

He nods his head feverishly, stands up, and brings Vicki in his arms to lift her bridal style.

"Elena." I call out.

She looks at me and looks dazed. Oh, miss spoiled brat never saw anything like this before.

Too bad.

"Take them back and call an ambulance. Make sure you tell Matt."

She nods and walks to Jeremy and leads the way. Jeremy pauses and looks back at me.

"What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" He says over his shoulder.

Hmm. How do I do this?

"Um, yea in a minute. I brung Hank and I let him roam around. But if there is a bigger animal attacking people, then I'd rather have him with me." I look away adverting my eyes.

I don't like lying to Jer but he doesn't believe me anymore.

"When you were nine and told me..." he trails off.

I look at him knowingly and sigh.

"We'll talk about it when we get home alright?"

He slowly nods and they walk away.

Goodie, now time to make a friend.

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